In light of our New Year's Resolutions, here are 5 books that we would like to check out this year.
Aioli everyone, we hope you have all been well in this new year so far, in response to our last blog entry where we shared our 2024 New Year's resolutions, you can check that post out on this link Welcoming in the New Year, Hello to 2024! (, we shared that one of our New Year's resolutions this new year is that we upped our Goodreads app challenge to 15 books, if you are not familiar with the app Goodreads, it is an app that allows you to track your reading books and suggests to you many good reads that you might be interested in, in this post to follow on with our new year's resolution, we want to share with you all 5 books that we would like to check out,

To preface this blog, we would like to start by saying we are always open to all genres and types of books, we like to think, that the more you read, the better your writing will become as you can learn how to express what you want to say more easily, we like to think by trying all different types of genres gives more forms of expression and description. Here are our top 5 books, we would like to read this year,
1. Stephen King's On Writing, A Memoir of the Craft
When we got back into reading a few years ago, one of the first books that we read was a collation of snippets from various Stephen King novels, and while at the time, horror would not have been a genre that we would have gravitated to, you could just see in the way that the stories were written, it was like watching his imagination go wild and you could defiantly see how these stories were adapted into movies.
Before we picked up that book, we knew nothing about Stephen King as an author or his specialty for the horror genre, but after reading the book, we simply wanted more, the way he described scenes and the way the story flows from one feature to the next was as they say chef's kiss, and when we found out that he has a book that reflects on his craft of writing his novels, we simply wanted to know more,
While we haven't been able to find this book in any bookstores near us, we think our best bet is that we are going to have to order online, and we can't wait to read all the hidden gems he shares in the book.
2. Sara Mass's The Assassin's Blade
This book came highly recommended to us by our good friend Jess of ph0tosbyjess, with whom we did a collaboration article, you can read it on this link Pursuing passions in photography ( and you can find all her contact details on our links page, but she suggested this book to us after we inquired about a book, she was reading,
This is another book, that looks like we will have to order online since we haven't been able to find it in stores, but the storyline sounds amazing, and we can't wait to check out the bigger series that it is a part of. This book does live in the realm/genre of fantasy, but we enjoy that because it is a genre in which you can let your mind and imagination wander and where anything is possible.
3. Benjamin Stevenson's Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone
Murder and mystery, are definitely genres we would have not gone for before just like horror, but now the suspense of these types of stories has drawn us right in, the storyline of this book has us wanting to know so much more and drawing us right into the story.
At the same time, the author of this book is an award-winning standup comedian by trade so it makes us feel that this story while gory being under the murder genre, will still have a funny side to it.
4. Michelle Prak's Rush
This book comes at the recommendation of one of our university teachers Kim Burley, we had never heard of it before she mentioned it on her LinkedIn page, but from the sounds of the storyline it looks to be an outback horror story and as with the last few books we have mentioned, not something in the past we would have gone for but now it sounds really interesting,
Just reading the author's bio piece, she is also a lecturer at the University of South Australia and has a decorated career in the communications field, focusing mainly on social media and public relations. She has the career we can on aspire to but we can't wait to check out this magnificent read.
5. Lauren Robert's Powerless
We have read some of Lauren's novels in the past, but it has been a while, so we really want to check out some of the new material that she has brought out, but like her other books, this one too falls into the genre of fantasy and romance, but we are looking forward to see if it is any different from her past stories and what twists and turns it has,
Flipping over to the next page,
These are just some of the books we would like to check out this year, we would love to read what your top 5 books are or what genres you would like to try, and if you are a writer, how has reading lots of different genres helped you out,
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That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
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