Your Complete Guide to Supporting Blogs and Bloggers: Everything You Need to Know

Aioli everyone, we hope you are all doing well, before we start this blog, we want to share with you all that it is inspired by fellow blogger and top Youtuber Lauren Norris, Lauren Norris | College/Lifestyle Youtuber (, who made the bold claim recently that she wants to bring back the blogs, and as a fellow blogger, we defiantly want to help her,
We found Lauren through her vlogs on YouTube a few years back, but recently when she setup her website and started blogging, it gave us hope and inspiration to keep going with our own page, even though we know our blog/page will not be much compared to hers, it is still an outlet for us to get our writing out there and try and build our brand online,
Following this lead, if you are wondering, how you too can support your favourite blogs and bloggers, then please read on under all the headings for all the tips and tricks we can offer, and we hope you enjoy the blog, we also invite you to check out Lauren's online content.
#1: It is like hearing it from a friend
#3: Giving constructive feedback
#1: It is like hearing it from a friend
When you take the time to think about it, most of the content you consume online is through reading so instead of mindlessly scrolling through TikTok, yes, you best know we are all guilty of doing it, how about consuming a blog instead.
Blogs, we like to think is like hearing it from a friend, they are a great way to get a firsthand perspective on topics that you are interested about, they can provide a lot of great inspo (inspiration), vibes and feels, say if you going to visit a place for the first time or try out a new product,
Blogs can be formal but a lot of them are so relaxed that they have their own unique personalities and stylings, there are no set structures when it comes to setting up and writing a blog, you can just write it as you feel, but the best ones we feel are those that captivate your attention, give you a good laugh and leave you feeling like you know a lot more about the topic than when you first arrived there,
So, take note from a friend, blogs are great way to share your knowledge and perspectives with a lot of family and friends, a wider general audience, so if you have an opinion and want to share, blogs are certainly the way to go,
#2: Sharing is caring
Found a blog or blogger that you admire? ....... Then share it!
Use that share button on the end of the posts, link the post or the blogger in all your socials, if you admire their work than share it with the world, it really is as simple as that, good things are much better when shared with family and friends, and the best part of it all, it won't cost you a cent,
In the grand scheme of things, just one share, is all it could take for your favorite blog/blogger to go viral and be recognized on the world stage, so if you admire their work, please share, share it with as many people as you can.
#3: Giving constructive feedback
Just like every task in life, receiving constructive feedback can really let you know what people think you did well and what you can fix, and it is no different for your favorite blogs and bloggers.
Leaving your favorite bloggers comments with constructive feedback, not just on their blogs but on social media as well, can really help them build their blogs into something more extraordinary, they can learn from your comments what you like about their blogs and what they can fix up and make it better, and best part about it, is this is absolutely free, it will also cost you absolutely nothing at all,
So, with this all being said, let's all get on the band wagon and make blogs a thing, many thanks to Lauren for her blog and constant inspiration, please be sure to check out all of her content online, and please check out our content too, but let's get writing/typing, please be sure to support all your favorite blogs and bloggers, thank you,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
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 'article' posts Monday
 'blog' posts Friday