Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
First things first we would like apologise, we haven't been keeping to the blog schedule but we will try from now on to bank some content so it can be posted at a scheduled time, we will make the change,
But this time around for the Blogmas post we thought we would take the time to think about some resolution ideas for the new year since it is virtually around the corner, I don't know if you guys are anything like us but we always get sucked in big-time once the new year diaries come out for sale, while they do sell them early here, like 12 weeks out it does get us thinking and reflecting on the year that was, what do we want to change going into the new year and what habits and things would we like to start working on,
Reflecting back on 2020, the biggest change your blogger would like to make going into 2021 is to pay more attention and to focus on my health, I know that might sound cliche, but after consulting with a few health professionals this year, they have all told me I have been rather unkind to myself, and with some better time management skills I could allow myself some more downtime just to do Wilz, to do what I enjoy and to be better to myself, getting more regular sleep and being more active will also help a lot too,
What would be your ultimate focus going into 2021 Walkerz? Do you too want to focus on your health or is there something else you would like to focus on, let's share and discuss,
As mentioned your blogger really needs to work on her time management skills, we need to take the time to sit down and plan out the week that is to come, once we can get a handle on this then we can take over the world jokes, not but seriously we will be in a much better position to, good preparation is always the best way to take tasks, do you have any good time management tips and tricks Walkerz? let's share with each other and help each other out,
I am curious to learn what skills would you like to learn or better in the new year Walkerz?
Besides time management skills, your blogger would love to work on building up the blog, we would always love to able to provide you all with fun fresh content, a safe and creative atmosphere and a place where you feel like your with friends and can happily share with everyone, how does that sound Walkerz? This is what we are aiming for with the blog, and just a reminder if you are enjoying the blog please sign up to follow the blog with your email address and please share it with your family and friends, we appreciate all of your feedback and visits, you inspire us to keep going and we hope we can help you too, even if it is just adding a bit of brightness to your day, it would be our pleasure,
What are some of your goals going into the new year Walkerz?
For your bloggers, we would like to work on securing a new job, something more related to our field of study, somewhere where we can learn and grown, and on the side, we would like to work on our skills such as writing and photography so we can produce better and fun content for you all, the ultimate goal is to work in PR and to be able to promote people and products that we love but to get there we have a lot of skills and experiences to learn, hopefully, each day we are taking small steps on our path to get there and we hope for you too that you guys are on your way to achieving your dreams, let's be here for each other and inspire and encourage each other along the way, we have got this, we can all do it! I have faith in you Walkerz, let's show them what we have got,
The last question/request for you all, we promise, let's all leave a message here for our future selves and when we come to the end of next year, let's all come back here, reflect and see just how much we have learnt and grown in the year to come, or in that case the year that has been,
To future Wilz, this is Wilz from December 2020, while this year hasn't been the best healthwise, we had our setback with our anxiety, we won't let that hold us back, looking into the new year, 2021 will be a fresh year for us, a fresh year full of new opportunities and growth, we will stop the habit of putting ourself down and comparing ourselves to others, and we will always remember we have a lot to offer others and that we are in no means worthless, we are strong and there is always something we can do to grow strong and to better our skills, so to future Wilz, you have got this and we hope you always stay strong and look on the bright side of life, we love you, you have got this!
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out