Escape your reality by rekindling your love for books
Aioli everyone, we hope you have all been well, this week we want to share with you all how the title says we have rekindled our love for reading and we want to share with you all our tips for getting back into books and curling up with a good story.
Reading has always been a good escape from reality for us, and at the start of the year, one of our New Year resolutions was to get back into reading since we felt like we had been slacking. As a skill, we feel like reading has made us a better writer and there were so many books and genres we wanted to try, so this year we have been attempting to make an effort to delve into it more.

Goodreads: Document Your Rekindling Book Adventures
When it comes to reading, we have always used the website/phone app 'Goodreads' to keep ourselves accountable. If you haven't heard of Goodreads, it is a website and also has a phone app that you can use to keep a record of what you have read, as well making good reading recommendations plus an annual reading challenge where you can set the number of books you would like to read in the year. You can check out and sign up to the site on this link
This year we have set our reading challenge to 12 books for the year, and we have just started reading our first book series on recommendations of friends on the app, so far, we are on book 3 of 8 of the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Mass. In previous years we had set our challenge to 10 books for the year, but we never reached the goal, so this year we decided to set it a bit higher to encourage ourselves to get back into and loving reading.
Instead of Mindless Scrolling, Pick Up a Book
This is by far one of our worst habits and such a time waster, but when we are noticing we are wasting time mindlessly scrolling on our phone, we try to put down the phone and pick up our book and read instead, even if it's just a few pages, it's a few pages ahead of where we were and helps us to get through our book quicker.
We like to think with this tip we are being more productive with our time rather than watching pointless videos we have already seen time and again. In the grand scheme of things, just reading those few pages at the end of the day can add up and get you through a book much quicker than expected.
Reading a Chapter a Day
This is a tip that we originally started out when we first tried to get back into reading, if we could sit down and just accomplish reading one chapter each day then slowly, we could build it into a habit and build our reading pace. We noticed each time we picked up our book to read we were getting much better at reading more in same period of time as the last time we would read.
Our thought process in this tip was if we could break down the book into smaller more manageable chunks, we could accomplish it, and the further we went along, we could try more complex and longer books.
Reading Your Favourite Book Genres, How to Rekindle Your Love for Reading
If you were like us and struggled getting back into reading, how about starting with a genre that you are familiar with or that you like, this could help break the ice and once you feel more comfortable you can branch out into some different genres and different styles of books.
When we started to get back into reading, it was adventure and fantasy books that we started with as they were a good escape from reality for us, but as we got more comfortable, we did dabble into some horror novels with some Stephen King, and if you know anything about us, horror is one of the furthest things we enjoy, but we could appreciate the way he wrote his stories, they captivated us, and we can't wait in the future to check out some more horror authors to see how they write too.
Going Forward
We hope you have found these tips helpful if you are trying to get back into reading. We would love to hear what tips you have used to get yourself back into reading, and if you are ever after some reading suggestions or what to share, you can find us on socials, let's all chat and have some fun discussions.
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