Welcome to the Journal Page
Aioli everyone, we hope you have all been well, as you can see from the title of the blog, we have decided to introduce a 'journal page' to the site replacing the 'forum page', we decided to make the change after much observation seeing that the forum page was not getting any responses.
The journal page is still relatively new, so at present, we only have one entry on there but as time goes along, we are looking to build up and expand it. While we haven't designated any select day to publish entries on there, we hope going into the future we will be able to share more about ourselves on there and people will engage with it more.

Our plans for the journal page at the moment are to treat it like a free writing exercise, being freer to type and share as much as we like with more limited edits, we guess in a way a rawer way of sharing more about ourselves compared to the blogs where we focus in on a selected topic.
We hope that by adding the journal to the site, you can watch us learn and grow, as well as join us as we reflect, we encourage you, if you have a website as well, to include a journal as well as a blog, they are beneficial in their rights, but no matter which one you choose, you have fun typing and creating content.
How do we plan to make it work?
For the most part, we want to keep a document open on our desktop where we can share little excerpts throughout our days so that it can all join together to create a journal entry for you all, so sharing anything that we are experiencing at the moment to our thoughts and opinions and everything that may come in between.
We will format it in such a way, that you know where breaks in time have occurred and days have changed, but for the first entry we kept it all in one day, and we have also included a track that we think most fits with the entry, we will try to include a link to the music video if there is one and an English translation of the lyrics cause a lot of the time we will probably reference K-pop tracks.
Going forward
We hope going forward if you are reading this, we hope you will continue to support the blog and we can keep the great content coming your way, we love and appreciate any feedback you might have to offer us or even if you just want to say hi, we love it all, thank you and hope to hear from you soon.
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out.
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
Our current posting schedule is:
 'article' posts Monday
 'blog' posts Friday
