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Personal Blog - If Wilz was a Pokémon

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz

Updated: Feb 20, 2024

Aioli everyone,

How are you all doing?

This week, we thought we would do a fun blog piece, for the longest time we have had a Pokémon chosen by friends that they think best represents us and we thought we would share our chosen Pokémon with you all, along with some of our fave Pokémon that were close contenders,

The Pokémon that was chosen that best represents us is Number #176 Togetic, it is a fairy/flying type of Pokémon that is the middle evolution from Togepi to Togekiss,

According to Togetic | Pokédex (, "They say that it (Togetic) will appear before kindhearted, caring people and shower them with happiness." A lot of our friends from the Merle The Talking Tiel (@Merle_The_Tiel) community think that is us to a T, that we have hatched from a good egg and that we see the care and kindness of those around us, we like to believe this to be true, we always like to see the good and give chances, but the downside of this is that we do get burned easily by giving out chances,

The look of the Togetic really suits our aesthetics too, for most people who know us in real life, we like to keep our things in terms of looks very minimal, we usually have a base colour of white and then use just a couple of simple colours to complement, a good example of this is our web site here, we use a solid white background and accent with colour, so with that in mind, the look of Togetic really suits us,

When Togetic evolves, it turns into Togekiss, Togekiss | Pokédex ( says "These Pokémon are never seen anywhere near conflict or turmoil. In recent times, they’ve hardly been seen at all." This also turns out to be a quality that is reflected in us, we aren't ones for conflict, if it does arise, yes, we will pull together and deal with it, but if there is conflict around us, we are not ones to easily step into the fray if it does not concern us, but we will stick up for those who we believe are being prayed on,

Another Pokémon that was a close contender for our representative Pokémon was the female Pokémon of Chansey as we were told by the Merle The Tiel community, Chansey is often seen in the comics as the nurse Pokémon, its number is #113 and it is a very nurturing and caring Pokémon, it is often described as very caring for others and brings happiness and luck to those who are able to capture one, caring for those who are sick or injured, we think this Pokémon is also well suited to us, when conversing with others we do have a kind and caring nature about us but overall Togetic is a more better fit, that when we see people being kind and happy we will appear, but hardly ever in times of conflict unless we can help and be of assurance,

We are curious to learn though which Pokémon do you think fits your personality? What qualities and attributes in the Pokémon do you think fit you and your style and what do you think about their appearance? You can share your response through any of our platforms on our contact page, we would love to hear from you all and if you enjoy, please share with your family and friends, we would love to see everyone's responses,

Being a fan of Merle, we think it is pretty much a given that we love and appreciate most types of bird Pokémon as well, we really appreciate the realm of flying Pokémon, if there was a Pokémon that is similar to a Rainbow Lorikeet, we would have chosen that, but if we had to choose a Pokémon for the Feathered Assistant, we would have to choose Togepi, since the Feathered Assistant was always a bright happy egg, and she like her human love to see people caring and happy,

That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer

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