Aioli everyone,
It has been a while since we have posted here, but we thought if we were going to relaunch the blog, we should do a self-introduction post since we don't think we have actually done one here, so let us start afresh, hello everyone, my name is Wilz, it is nice to meet you,
Right off the bat, just from our writing style, there are a couple of questions that we know people are going to ask, the first one being why our greeting aioli is instead of something like hello/hi and the second, why we always talk/refer to ourselves in the third person before we go on any further let us answers those for you,
With respect to our greetings, we thought we would use aioli to open the blog posts as it would add a nice personal touch to our post and give them something that is uniquely us instead of using say hi, hello or something like that, not saying that open a post that way would is boring but we wanted to add an element that would make us memorable and our posts stand out,
As for our third-person speech, it has been something that we have always done that feels so natural to us now, like second nature, if you aren't aware, when we first created this site, it was I (the human) and my Feathered Assistant (rainbow lorikeet), we, but since the Feathered Assistant passed in 2018, I have always stuck to we as I always feel like she is here with me in spirit, so we are always together, and it doesn't feel right to neglect her so it has always been we, as in the 2 of us together, writing and producing content for this site, if that makes sense, 2 for the price of 1,
In general particulars, for the human, I reside in far north Queensland, Australia, Cairns to be exact and at this present time, I am 36 years old, being born 24/7/87, so does that make me 24/7 always 7 jokes, I started this site so I could document my travels, in particular those related to my studies, if you unaware of that too I am an online student with the University of South Australia studying for a Bachelor's in Communications, and my hobbies include writing, photography, gardening and handy crafts,
In relation to my studies though, a quick update for you all, I have now finished the course, and I am now in the process of waiting for graduation, I am waiting on my confirmation email, but I have completed all the subjects in the course and can hopefully attend a graduation ceremony very soon, so lately we have been preparing for that, while we haven't finalized what the plans are yet for after university, presently applying for lots of jobs please watch this space, cause as soon as we know we will share them all with you here,
Sharing that with you all, almost makes us feel we have come full circle, that we are finishing one chapter of our journey and moving on our way to starting the next, but rest assured wherever that may be, we will always share with your all here on the site, and please know that you can always find us on social media, be sure to drop us a line and say hello, we would always love to hear from you, all our contact information is on the contact page of this site, check it out,
Going forward from here, who knows where our journey will take us to be honest, at present we have been using our time to prepare for graduation but also taking the time to update our resume and cover letter and are starting to apply for jobs, while we have done all the theory work we are in great need of on job experience and we hope we can secure a position and start working on our skills, so if you guys have any connections in the communications field, we would love to meet them and make their acquaintance, but for the meantime please wish us luck and hopefully, we can secure a position soon,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
Our current posting schedule is:
 'article' posts Monday
 'blog' posts Friday