Aioli everyone,
We hope you have all been well,
It has been a while since we have blogged, our sincerest apologies for that, but we are back, we have certainly missed this,
If you have been wondering where we have been, we have been focusing a lot on our studies, we only have a few weeks left of our last semester so we have been trying our best to make the most of it, at the moment we have been working on our last assessment piece, and while we don't feel it is as great as our other pieces this semester, we just need to secure a pass at the very least to successfully pass the subject,
If we can pass this last subject then we have passed all the requirements of the course to graduate and that will have been a long time coming, it has always been one of our dreams to gain our bachelors and we used to remember a time in the past when we said to ourselves, we have no qualifications to our name, that if we could ever achieve a bachelors degree it would be amazing, and we are almost there, we have almost done it, and wow it does feel good,
And we know a lot of people will be asking us this soon, and we think we sound like a broken record when we say we don't know what is next but atm we don't want to get too far ahead of ourselves, we want to make sure we can secure this bachelors degree first, then we will allow ourselves to dream, we would love to get some in office experience but that is proving more harder than we initially realised, but we are sure no matter what path we take after this, it will be much better than the one we are currently on, when we say that we really mean our current career path,
But to prepare ourselves for potential employment, we have already recognised some areas that we really need to work on, the first would really be how we present oursleves, we say this because we think from the outside looking in, the way we dress and the way we present ourselves shows no real confidence or inspiration, secondly we would say the way we talk and express ourselves needs a lot of work, we find a lot of the time we get tongue twisted in what we want to say and express, and thirdly our resume is not entirely up to scratch, for the amount of detail in it, we don't feel like we are presenting it in a way that catches the eye of a prospective employer,
We think going forward, we are going to have to really work on these issues, but we hope in gaining our bachelors we can secure or start on a path to securing a job that really sparks our insterests and inspirations, too long have we merely just been a in a job to pay the bills but we want to change that, while it is great to be able to make a means, we want to be in a career that is meaningful to us and one where we can make a rewarding change, we think we go by the cliche saying, if you do what you love you won't work a day in your life,
But we would like to hear from you though, going forward if you are students or even just looking for that next best job, what are some issues you think you have in applying for jobs? and what would you like to change? and how are you guys going about it?
That was a lot of questions in one, appologies, but we would love to hear you, your feedback is invaluable to us and it is always your feedback and encouragement is what keeps this blog and this site going for us, and we hope it is the same for you all too, let's share and chat, and help each other out,
Going forward from this point, not only are we are hoping that we can we keep this site growing, but to also grow and evolve as a person, we want to be able to keep learning lots of new skills but also to be confident in our own skin, atm we do feel like we have a lot of self doubt, but we want to learn and grow from here, how about you?
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
Our current posting schedule is:
 'article' posts Monday
 'blog' posts Friday