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Personal Blog - Wilz and the blog shake up

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz
"It has been a while hasn't it, but Wilz is back shaking up the blog for a fresh change"

Aioli everyone,

Is it too early to wish everyone season's greetings, we are almost at the end of November so we think not, but in the grand scheme of things can you believe that December is almost upon us and another year is nearly done and dusted, where did all the time go,

It has been over a month since we last posted a blog here, that feels like forever ago, but if we can remember right, our last blog was a holiday piece where we went away for 2 weeks in September/October, so so long ago, but rest assure we haven't forgotten about the blog, we are back and determined to see out the year and determined to start the new year afresh,

In our true slack style, we haven't made any new years resolutions yet, it is still a bit early for that, but we are ready to get back on our blogging game, we have really missed sharing and catching up with you all, it has been a good while since we have just sat down at a blank blog page and just poured out our thoughts on the page, but as a writer, it feels like such a good release, better than keeping everything bottled up,

"If we are bing honest for the longest time, we haven't been happy with our blog content, we either wrote and then didn't share, or we just passed up the week completely in hopes we would produce something better next week"

That is seriously the worst mentality to have when it comes to blogging, and the worst thing we have ever done, although we weren't happy with the content we were creating, we should have still tried to put something together to keep the blog updated, but looking back there are few things we could change to get out of this funk,

When it came to the blog we never prepared any content ahead of time, we were just pumping out content on the day and didn't give ourselves the chance to edit our content, but at the same time we had this perceived image of what a blog should be like, we always had the thought they should be like 101 quick help informative pieces, and looking back, we so see that is not true, our blog is our own personal space just to be us and to share what we are feeling at the time, we don't know why we tried to over complicate it so much,

Moving forward and going into the festive season and being out of study semester now till June next year, we want to be able to share a lot more fun content with you all, we want to try and play with our content creation skills cause at the end of the day in reflection, this should all be fun, not stressful and hard, so who is with us in having some fun?

We don't have a lot planned for the festive season, so far, we have only requested Christmas Eve and Christmas Day off, but we are reserved to the fact that if we have to work through new years then its a bit more in our hands for the new year, but as for the new year itself we have nothing solid locked in so far, the only plans we have considered are doing some short/certificate courses till our last subject runs, what are your plans for the festive season and new years?

"Till the close of the year, lets stay strong, let's have fun with the blog and content creation, let's just roll with the flow and enjoy the journey, I hope you will join us"

Happy festive season everyone, please enjoy your time with loved ones and eat lots of delicious foods and have lots of fun experiences, we wish you all the very best,

That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

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