Aioli everyone,
Is it too late to be bidding you all season's greetings,
How was everyone's first fortnight in the 2023s? For us it wasn't entirely that pleasant, but we have the whole year to turn that around right,
We don't mean to be the debbie downers as they would call it here, but it just to serve to remind us about all the worries that we have and what we want to change so that we believe we can live a happier and fulfilling life, so our general aim for the year is to be able to take those small steps so can make the changes we want towards the life we want to be able to live,
In our last post, we shared, we hadn't made any particularly strong new year's resolutions, so as we put the last post together, we took the time to brainstorm a few, and so far, our progression has been great, we are making great strides in achieving our Apple watch goals, we are a few days off achieving January's goal, we have picked up our reading book and read quite a few chapters, we about half way through the book now and we are trying to be more social on our social media platforms, granted we haven't made any spectacular posts yet but we have made a start, and we are proud of ourselves for taking the first steps,
We are curious. how have you all been going with your new year's resolutions so far? We hope you too are making good progress and are well on your way to achieving what is that you want for 2023, we hope throughout the year, knowing our goals, we can pop on here and update you all on our progress and we hope that will help you stay on track as well to achieve your goals, would you find that helpful?
Going into the second half of January, can you believe this month is already flying past us, 2023 is certainly not wasting any time, but it has got us thinking about what the rest of the year has instore for us, we hope it will turn out be a good year for us, we hope it will be a year of progression and change, looking back, it feels like the last couple of years we have been stuck doing the same movements and doing the same routines, but it is time to step up and step out this year, we want to build our career and in general be happy with what we are achieving for ourselves,
Do any of you feel like this too? Let's work together to get out of the rut, 2023 is so our year for the taking, let's start by working on taking the small steps, each step we take is an inch closer to where we want to be, let's be around to motive and strengthen each other's resolve, and together we have so got this, let's keep the motivation going, 2023, you are so going to be the year we achieve our best we can, who is with us?
But no matter what the new year may bring, we hope at the end of the day, we can look back and be happy, be happy with all that we have done and have achieved, be happy with those who we surround ourselves with and just be happy within ourselves that we did our best and we gave it all, that we didn't leave anything to chance, and we tried our best and laid our hearts out on the line, at the end of the day, we will always be here for you and we are so proud of you, we just hope we can make you proud too,
Before we go any further, if you have read this far into the blog, have been following this blog for a while, or even if you are new to our blog ramblings, we thank you so much for your support, by taking the time out of your day to read our thoughts, and visiting our site, it gives us so much encouragement and love, we truly really appreciate it, it means the world to us, thank you,
In 2023, unlike last year, we hope we can be more consistent with our blog posts, and do know we have been working on articles behind the scenes, if you are business and would be interested in an article please reach out to us, at the moment we are trying to back up some content so we can be more consistent with our postings, but do know you can always find us on most social media platforms, we go by the username walkwithwilz, if you do happen to spot us, be sure to drop us a message, we would love to hear from you, we will always try our best to help with any questions or queries that you may have,
The same goes for any blog suggestions or any products or services you reckon we should try out, we are an open page in an online book ready to be filled with the words of adventures and experiences, if you would like to make a suggestion for something you would like to see on our site, we are only a message away, check out our contact page for ways to get in touch with us,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out