Aioli everyone,
We hope you have all been well, and that things are going great for you,
We are excited to share with you all, and we think you can guess from the title, we will soon be going on a big city adventure, it will be nice to just get away and refresh the eyes and mind for a bit,
For this trip we will only be away for 5 days, but we are going to try to pack in as much as possibly can, we hope the weather will be kind to us this time, last time we were in the city, there was so much rain, every time we would go out, we would get absolutely soaked, but so far the weather is looking okay, reading the forecast, it says they think there will be heatwave conditions for a bit but hopefully that will work in our favor and if we get to see a storm, that will be lovely to experience, we would love to be able experience that atmosphere in a cityscape,
Even though we love to see the big cities from time to time, at heart we will always be a regional small-town human, but to get away from time to time is a good refresher for the system and the soul, we hope while we are away, we can get some fun content for our socials, we have totally been slacking on that goal, but rest assured we will come back with a vengeance,
As for our other goals, we think we are staying on track, we have already accomplished our activity goal on our Apple watch, we have secured February's goal with ease, the only downside being what do with it for the rest of the month, but we are one step closer there, and for our other goal, we are working our way closer to the end of our current reading book, think it is about 100 pages left but we are kicking the goals with our brainstorm goals, if you haven't checked out our brainstorm goals please refer to our first post for the year on this link Personal Blog - Wilz brings the blog in to 2023 (walkwithwilz.com.au)
As for our main goals for 2023, we don't feel like we have made much progress on that front, but we can only keep trying, it is still early days yet, but what we think will help us a lot is if we continue to build the blog and content, the more we can build on our skills the better, if we can show initiative and keep bettering ourselves then we think that will really help us out,
We hope that our blogs are helping you guys out though, we have mentioned so many times throughout the year already we want to be there for you guys and help you all achieve your goals, we hope our blogs are helping into supporting and encouraging you to achieve your dreams, each step forward we can take is a step in the right direction, we hope you are all walking with us and we can walk with you too,
And speaking of walks, we haven't openly shared this online yet, but we have signed up to do the Lifeline #StepsToSaveLife fundraiser, the goal is to walk 10 000 steps a day for the month of March, we thought it was a great initiative for us to be a bit more active while at the same time raising funds for such a great cause, we shall be sharing it soon on all our socials and we hope you will join us and if you don't want to we hope you will be able to donate, even if it's a bit of spare change, each and every little bit helps,
But in the meantime, till March comes around, we will continue to keep working on the site here, we want and will continue to make changes here and there, and in all honestly it will probably always be a work in progress, we hope this won't bother you though, we just want to try and make the site the best we can and make it as user friendly as we can, but also with the more we will learn in design and styles of websites it will continue to evolve, it's a permanent work in progression,
We also hope our time away in the city will help us refresh our eyes and mindset, while we are there is still lots that we want to see and experience, but this time around we think we will try to focus on capturing lots of fun content for our socials, we want to try and take some time to experiment filming and photographing different things, and we will see how it all comes out, so watch our socials, some fun things coming your way soon,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out