Aioli everyone,
Hope you have all been well,
Welcome to the 2nd week of March, and as the title suggests, Wilz is ready to make some changes, not just to the site but in life as well,
If you have been following our blog posts this year, we have talked about making gradual changes to the site so we can try and make it the best site for you the reader, we want to make it easy for you to navigate and for you to enjoy all the content we put up, as we have mentioned before as we grow, it is going to be a constant work in progress, but with thanks to your feedback and reviews, it makes this process a lot easier, cause then we know what the issues are, but we want to try and strive to make it the best site we can,
All of the content that we put up is shared with you the reader in mind, but it is also for us, your bloggers wanting to share the stories of our friends because we feel they are truly precious, it defiantly reminds us of one our teachers at our university who works on a site called stories well told, and that is exactly what are trying to do with this site, take the stories that we hear along the way and make sure they are well told and shared with the masses, we are curious how do you think we are doing? We sincerely hope we are doing them justice and that you are all enjoying them,
We hope along the way we can share our own story with you too, we use our blogs to help document our journeys and share our travels, while they are not your standard informative pieces like how to or what to do pieces, we like to think they are informative in a way that we share what we are learning and thinking along our travels, you never know, our random ramblings like these could help someone out there, but sometimes we feel like our pieces are more journal entries than blogs in a way but they really do help to get our thoughts out on a document and out of our heads,
Bad interlude here but another thing we also want to get out our heads is our lack physical activity, so for the month of March we have joined up to the Lifeline 10 000 steps a day challenge, #Steps2SaveLives, so for every day for the month of March will endeavour to do 10 000 steps, and so far so good, but we thought it was a great way to get our activity up while also helping out a great cause, if you would like to donate to the cause we shall include the link here, https://www.facebook.com/donate/1249754818953390/, if you can donate we would very much appreciate it, but if you can't that is okay too,
Another thing we are going to change is our reading schedule, we have totally been slacking on that front lately, while we did keep to our goal in February of finishing the current book we were reading then, we are yet to start a new one and it's already mid March, that's so terrible right, but let's start back small with a chapter a day and then we can build up from there, what do you think? we are also curious, if you have any good book suggestions, please lets us know, we open to all genres and types, we would love to hear what your reading too,
While we are on the topic of one our brainstorm goals, we will give you a quick update on the other brainstorm goals we had, if you haven't checked these out, we mentioned them in our first post of the year, you can take a quick read on this link Personal Blog - Wilz brings the blog in to 2023 (walkwithwilz.com.au), for our March activity goal on our Apple watch, we about half way through achieving the goal, but we think if we stick with it, we can do it, and as for our other goal of creating creative content, we have taken some fun pictures to post on our socials but we would love to try and experiment with more videos, if you have any great photo or video editing apps that you think we should know about please share them with us, we would love to try them out and to learn some more on these skills,
On our main goal, we think we have hit a stall wart as they say, we originally want to try out entertainment journalism and then we changed our minds and now we are still rather undecided which scares us, we really need to sit down and think this one through before we take any more further steps, we would like to think if we are not clear on the goal here then we need to narrow it down so it is more timely and achievable, SMART goals as they say in our studies, be specific, be measurable, be achievable, be relevant and be timely,
In that respect, we are yet to hear any of our reader's goals for the year, what is it that you, our readers would like to achieve? and how do you plan on getting there? we would like nothing more than to get to know you and your story as well, let's share with each other and be friends, but we would also like to ask in current situation too, is there anything that you like to change?
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out