Aioli everyone,
How are you all travelling?
We have officially given the travels a rest for a while here, we are at a stage atm where we feel like we need to get settled back into a steady routine to be able take on the last bit of our university studies,
If it we haven't mentioned it before, we are towards the end of our degree now, we have been studying a Bachelor of Communications online for a few years now and we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel, it has been a struggle to get to this point, many thanks to our anxiety diagnosis, but we have toughed it out, learned how to deal with our condition and we are almost there,
We are proud of ourselves and proud we have put up the good fight even though we were given the option to back down and to quit, but we felt like we had worked too hard, and this degree would help us in the long run to pursue our passions, so even though it felt like an avalanche at the time we pushed ahead and had faith in ourselves and now look at us, we are almost at the summit, we constantly tell ourselves now, we did this, we have accomplish this, we are immensely proud of ourselves,
But on the same measure, we are not saying that you always have to push that little bit further, you really need to weigh up, if it is the right thing for you do, and it may not always be, we have chosen in the past to give things away even though we had invested a lot of time, effort and funds into them based on the fact it was not working well for us and was doing harm to us, when making these choices you really need to weigh up all the factors and if the cons outweigh the pros then choice should be pretty simple, if it is not right fit for you then walk away,
At the end of the day, you need to make choices that you have faith will work best for you, you need to look after yourself first before you look out for others, you are priority number one, if others don't agree with what you have decided, then that is okay, if they are true to you, they will understand, you need to surround yourself with supportive people, ones that will hold your best interests at heart and if they don't then you should be questioning their intent, you should be able to achieve your goals without any unneeded drama or precedence, you have got what it takes and from all of us here at this site, you have our full belief and support,
At the moment, our intent going forward from here is to prepare as much as we can for our upcoming subject for our course, we are trying to review as much material as we can in the hopes it will help us understand more of the subject material, we want to try as much as we can so we can successfully pass the subject, once we can pass this subject we will have gotten all the requirements of the course to graduate, so we are going to try our very best
It is at this stage, we also need to sit down and process what is next, do we want to continue with some shorter courses to build on what we have learnt in the course, but a definite yes is to continue to try out for jobs and trying to get some in the field experience, harder said than done but we will continue to try our best,
Before we sign off this blog a quick update on our brainstorm goals, we are well on our way to achieving our April Activity Goal on our Apple watch, we are determined to get the whole year of achievements, just to see what it does to celebrate at the end of the year, as for our second goal we are already halfway through our current reading book, which is faster than we would have anticipated, which we are happy about and on our third goal, we have been working on leaving messages on posts rather than just liking them, we want to make it a thing to let creators know why we like a post than simply just hitting the thumbs up or like function, and we encourage you all to do the same too,
We know we say this a lot too, but you are always welcome to engage with us on our socials, we can always be found under the username @walkwithwilz on all good social media platforms, our contact information can be found on our contacts page on this site, we would love to greet you all and say hi, hearing from you all would really make our day, let's chat, share and discuss, we really appreciate and value your feedback,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out