Aioli everyone,
How are you all?
Coming to closer to the end of our course, we really need to sit down and decide what is next on the cards for us, what path do we want to pursue and where do we see our future going,
In our posts this year, we think we have been super confusing since we have mentioned quite a few possible paths that we were looking at, but we really need to take the time soon to sit down and firmly work out what is it that we want to do and how we can we best possibly go about achieving that goal,
We know we have mentioned doing that quite a few times now in our last few blogs, but we hope that in typing up this blog, we can get some clarity in discussing our options and it will help us evaluate and give us some clarity on our possible options,
But a few things for sure that we know want to continue doing is, even if we choose to do something different as per say, is that we want to continue to work with and collaborating with businesses like we do for the articles on the article page of this site, if you haven't check out the articles on that page, we highly recommend that you do and we definitely above all else want to continue writing,
Writing for us is our biggest communicative outlet, it is something that has always been so natural to us, from a young age it has always been how we best communicated since we aren't strong verbal communicators, but writing always gave us a way to be creative and a way to get our thoughts out there and across to our audience, we couldn't imagine a life without, so it is a must that we want to continue in doing,
We know in the past, we have mentioned the thought of entertainment writing, and while we still really love the sounds of that, we really need to look into how we could possible pursue that, we have seen a few courses or two that could help us on this path, but we would need to look at what they entail and their costs, and want to look at too, if there is any way we can continue to get our name out there, and make connections in the industry,
Another option, that is on the cards and was there from the very beginning, was going into the Public Relations field, when we started our course, it was one of our main aspirations, and as we have gone through the course, it has never left the table, but we would need to look at here, how can we get some experience in the field and build on building more industry relationships,
One option that has always been lurking in the background has been looking at doing some studies in the marketing field, we think having some marketing skills and knowledge would complement what we have learned in our communications degree, but with this option we would have to look at how much more study this would entail and possible career outcomes, as to if this would be a viable option in terms of a career to aspire to,
But we are sure no matter what option we end up choosing to pursue, we will keep you all updated on our plans here on our blog, we are pretty sure we have mentioned this a million times before but for us, this blog works as a way of documenting our thoughts and travels, just as a vlog does for many people on YouTube, our blog is our way for us to look back on how far we have come and where we want to go, we just hope if you are reading the blog we hope you will stick around and join us on the journey,
But at the same time, we invite you all to share your thoughts and travels too, let's chat and share, we can help each other out, we would love to hear from you all, you can also catch us on socials, check out the contacts page for all our contact information,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out