Aioli everyone,
We hope you have all been well,
We apologise for our absence but we back, back from our travels and getting back into the swing of things, we want to be firmly settled so we can get prepared for our upcoming studies,
If you have checked out our last few blog posts here, we have shared we have travelled to Sydney over 2 different separate weeks, but for now, since being back, it is time to settle down, and get back into a steady routine so we can be calm and collected ready to take on our upcoming studies,
We want and need to give this subject our all, if we can securely pass this subject then we will have met all the requirements of our degree and we will be able to graduate, so it is essential we can give it our very best so we can be able to graduate from our degree, be able to graduate and to have a bachelor degree is something we have been dreaming about long before we started our course but we hope we can make it happen,
Going forward from this point, we are still very undecided on what path we want to take next, but for the most part, we want to take on more courses, not full-on degrees but maybe some short courses, in particular ones that will hopefully complement the content we covered in the degree, we still need to weigh up our options here but we have been looking at the fields of marketing and journalism, but we really need to sit down and weigh up all the factors here,
Before we go any further we want to give you all a quick update on our brainstorm resolutions, our New Years resolutions if you will, we are well on track with our Apple activity app goals, and we are currently working on the month of April's goal but we did secure the months of February and March, as for our second goal, we have picked up a new book and we are currently making our way through that, so we are making progress there and as for our third and final goal, we are happy to report yes we have been working on being more social on our social media accounts and generating a lovely following for ourselves, so overall for the months of March and so far going into April, we think we are doing pretty well,
In reflecting on our goals, we are wondering how you are all going with your goals for the year? We hope they are progressing well and you are all achieving absolute greatness, one thing we would love for this blog is to be a space where we can share with each other and to be able to inspire and encourage each other, this is a friendly space for you too, to be able to share and chat, we highly encourage it,
We also encourage you, if it is easier for you, you can engage with us on socials, on all good social media platforms we go under the username walkwithwilz, give us a like and a follow and be sure to say hi, you can find all our contact information on the contacts page of this site, we look forward to hearing from you all,
Going forward from here, we would love to hear your thoughts and feedback, if are there ways we can better the site for you please let us know, are there any particular thoughts that you would like us to cover on the blog, any products or services you would like to review or businesses that you think would benefit from an article, we would love for you to let us know,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out