Aioli everyone,
How are you all doing?
After the fiascos of the last blog, if you haven't read that one, you should before you check this one out, but we are starting from rock bottom, well at least as far as our Instagram is concerned,
If you didn't read the last blog, firstly shame on you, only joking, but you can have a quick read on this link Personal Blog - Wilz and the rebrand (walkwithwilz.com.au), our Instagram account got hacked, so we were left with little choice but to start a new account, welcome to the @realwalkwithwilz, we still think there is not much chance we will get the old account back but at least we have this new one to rely on,
And before anyone says it, yes, we immediately put the 2-factor identification on the account, it was one of the first things we did with the new account, we definitely weren't going for a round 2 of being hacked, oh heck no! the only downside now with a new account is starting from 0, 0 followers and 0 clue on how to get the ones that were following us to follow us back again, but on the bright side, it did leave the door open to a brand refresh, so that is exactly what we have done,
At our heart, our brand has not changed in 1 bit in what we actually do, at the end of the day, we still like to reach out and connect with personalities, brands and businesses, we will still continue to write our blog and articles and we will continue to build a presence online and get our name out there, so far having this site has been really helpful in showcasing our skills to prospective employers and showing them what we are passionate about and like to share, we have even been told we have a keen eye for photography, so who knows down the track, maybe we should check out some photography studies,
Speaking of the study front, we are about to go into our last semester of our degree, and we still haven't decided what we want to do next, we sincerely hope we can pass this last semester and then after that comes graduation, which is really a concept we haven't entirely considered, but what an accomplishment if we can get there, it has been a long time coming, so if we do get there we definitely want to celebrate, but how we haven't decided that either,
We are truly so indecisive jokes, but seriously, we will have to come up with some plans to mark the occasion when it comes, we were thinking of a photoshoot, but I would need to find a good outfit for that, and we were thinking of and this is if we have the chance, of having a dinner in South Australia where our university is, and with our university pen pals, although we haven't formally met them, we have been chatting through Instagram and it would be great to meet them, but we are curious how would you mark a milestone like this? We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas; can you help us?
In another indecisive moment that we have had, we have come to the realization of cancelling the specials page, just for now, it's not that it wasn't a great idea, and that we didn't want to share all the best sales and bargains with you all, it is just with the amount of upkeep the page would require and with our studies about to start again, it would not be the best time to be piling up more responsibilities on our plate, so to give ourselves the best chance to focus on our studies, it is an idea we will have to push to the side for now, may be in the future, once we have accomplished our degree and can devote more time to creating and upkeeping the page, we might do it again, but for now, it is just not meant to be,
But for now, it is back to our studies, we hope and pray we can do this last subject justice and give our online degree a good end, it has been a long journey to get this far, but we are almost there, almost to the end, please wish us luck, we are so thankful for all your love and support, it truly has meant the world to us, we think we have said this before on the blog, but it is all due to your support and encouragement we keep this going, so thank you if you have taken the time to read the blog or reach out, we truly appreciate it,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely, and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
Our current posting schedule is:
 'article' posts Monday
 'blog' posts Friday