Aioli everyone,
How have you all been going?
We are starting to allow ourselves to dream here, we are now ever so quickly creeping up on the end of the semester and with one assessment left, we are well on our way to finishing our degree, who would have thought, the end is now in sight,
To be honest, if you said to us, like 5 years ago, you would be close now to earning a bachelor's degree, we would have said you are dreaming but we have almost actually done it, and we couldn't be more proud of ourselves, even with all the obstacles that were in our way, we have preserved and almost have achieved the dream, a bucket list item almost off the list, not that we have an actual bucket list lol,
At the moment, it is looking more highly than likely our next move is to apply for jobs and for work, it would be nice to put our degree into use, not saying that we don't like our current job, but after almost 17 years in the gig, it is time for a change, taking those next step so we can move into a place where we can learn and grow, not just in the sakes of a career but as a person as well, while our current job has served us well while we were studying and we are thankful for that, it is time to branch out and move on to bigger and better things,
Ultimately we are looking for jobs in the communications field, but there is not a lot of choice in the region that we currently live in, so it is probably more than likely we will have to move, but how far we don't know yet, we hope, but fingers crossed that we can get a position in the city closest to us, but we will have to try our best, but as time goes on we hope that it is an industry that grows in our region and that more places become available, while we do treasure our family, we don't want to move so far away just for work,
But before we can apply for jobs, we need to fix up our resume, while we do have a basic resume done up we don't feel like it is up to scratch, for someone who wants to apply for jobs in a creative jobs field, we feel like we need to make it more appealing and creative, atm we think it kind of looks stock standard and we don't think it stands out, so this is something we are going to have to work on first before we start applying for some work,
Another thing we want to work on before we start applying for some jobs is how we present ourselves, so not only the way we dress but also the way we express ourselves when we speak, you would think being a communications student, we could speak quite eloquently but it is quite the reverse when put on the spot our thoughts get all muddled up and it all comes out in quite a mess, we think to try and help this we should try to think about questions and responses before interviews and read up on relatable topics they might ask about,
Going forward, we are going to start working on these and we will let you know how we go, so watch this space and we will keep you all fully updated on how things progress, you can also follow us on all our socials for more frequent updates, you can find all our contact information on the contact page,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
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