Aioli everyone,
We hope you have all been well,
How is it that we have made the month of March already, it really feels like this year is flying past us quickly, but we hope for this month, your year is progressing well and you're having lots of fun,
For us, it certainly feels like this year has been a smooth ride compared to others, while yes we did have a hiccup with our studies carrying over from last year, but for the most part we feel like we have that problem sorted now, but so far, we feel like with the blog, we have been in your faces about achieving our dreams and goals, and while yes, we will update you on that front with this blog, we want to share with you our plans for March which includes our next big city adventure,
So, as we have shared in our February blog posts, the main thing we wanted to achieve with our brainstorming goals, if you haven't seen these yet, they were mentioned in our very first blog post for the year, if you haven't read that post, you can check it out on this link Personal Blog - Wilz brings the blog in to 2023 (walkwithwilz.com.au) and come back to this one when you're ready, but for February we really wanted to achieve our activity goal on our Apple watch since we missed only that month last year, we wanted to finish reading our current reading book and continue posting content on our social media accounts,
We are happy to report, we have secured our February activity goal, and we are already on the way to achieving our March activity goal, we have finished our reading book, we did read quite a bit when we were away on our latest trip since we do get up quite a bit earlier than everyone else that we were travelling with and we have continue to post content on our social media accounts, we feel like for the most part we achieved the goals we set out for our brainstorming goals for the month of February,
As for our yearly or main goal as we have referred to it in the past, we are in two minds about it, we really need to sit down and think it through, while the goal would be amazing to achieve, there is another alternative route that is looking more promising for us in the interim, so we may look at pursuing that first, just to get some experience under our belt, but watch this space, we shall keep you update on any progress here, sorry sorry if that came across a bit ambiguous but we hope in the long run it will make more sense, we will keep you updated, we promise,
For the month of March, our goals for our brainstorming resolutions will be pretty much the same, we want to continue strong to achieve our March Apple watch activity goal, we want to continue on strong posting on our social media accounts and we want to make a good start on a new book, we stated in a previous blog post we want to try and switch it up and try a different genre of book, but we will see, we have so many books we have put to the side that we want to read, we will pick one of those at random and start a new story,
Also for the month of March, we are planning another trip back to the big city, our sister would like to attend some country concerts so we are going to accompany her as her plus one, but while we are there, and did do a bit of this last time, but we would like to capture some memories on our camera, not only did they make great content for our Instagram page, but they are fun to look back on, capturing interesting details and moments in the city, serve as such beautiful reminders of a trip that was,
We would love for you to share how your year has been going so far? What is it that you would like to achieve and how do you plan to get there in 2023? Let's share with each other and inspire and encourage each other on, let this be the year we can become friends and be there for one another, we would love nothing more than to get to know you and be able to be there for you, just as you have done for us by reading this blog, please know we really do appreciate it, for each of you that reads this blog gives us that small bit of encouragement to keep going, we thank you all so very much,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out