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Personal Blogz - Catch up Wilz

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz

Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,

How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,

It has been a while since I have just sat down and done a catch up and recap piece, so here Wilz is, stripping it back and reflecting just how far we have come,

So as I type this piece I am just over half way thru my communications degree, if you would of had said this to me like 5 years ago, I would have said you were crazy, I couldn't do that, but at that point in my life I didn't think I would amount to much or even have the opportunity, I mean I was in my late 20s heading to 30s but lookie at this Wilz, we are doing it, we are progressing, we are going after the dreams, everytime I look back and think of this, it really serves to remind me you are running your own race Wilz and we will get there, if it is meant to be it will be, do you agree with this thinking Walkerz?

With this in mind, and as I am getting closer and closer to graduation I am looking at courses that I can take on the side that will complement my degree and work well with the direction I would like to take in my career, I am also wanting and looking for experience, but so far I am not having much luck in that department but I trying not to be disheartened and I shall keep trying, but this blog is working well in my favour in getting my name out there, I am glad in that respect that I started this blog,

In addition to this I am trying to reach out to a lot of people who I think can guide me well on my journey, seeking their advice and asking what they think would be good for me to do or try, creating a list of mentors and connections as per say, but I am also finding their support very helpful, it is nice to have that support system that if I am finding anything difficult or if I want to learn more I can turn to them for advice, it is really nice to know that they are there for me,

Can I ask Walkerz, what things are you guys doing to help you on your dream/career path? Who are your mentors and how are they helping you? What are you doing to stay on task to achieve what you want to achieve?

One thing I have been reading about and wanting to try, is to try breaking down my journey into more timed measurable time frames, that way I can hold myself more accountable and narrow my focus down, I want to define more what I want to achieve and how I can achieve it more reliably, I think it is all a part of getting on top of my time management skills, I am trying to keep to a schedule and accomplishing all that I need to in the time frames that I have, and so far, it is working out well,

But outside of the work/career train of thought, my health and general well being is always close to the top of my list, if you have been flowing blog for a while you would know for the last couple of years I struggled with a stomach bacteria and since then I think my immune system and gut health hasn't been the best plus with anxiety I want to get back on top of it all and get healthy and happy again,

I have been trying to stop more and just taking moments to breathe and to meditate, taking time to ground myself and to clear my head has been helping a lot, but where I am struggling here is to get more active, they recommend 10 000 steps a day and I can safely say atm I am reaching nowhere near that, I need to get up and move more, if anyone has any great tips on how I can do that I am all ears, thanks Walkerz,

How are you guys traveling in general Walkerz, please know your always welcome to share, lets chat, comment and discuss,

That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

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