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Personal Blogz: How Wilz is coping in self isolation

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz

Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,

How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,

I hope everyone has been staying safe at home during these times of uncertainty, but I want to share with you all how I have been coping in self isolation,

Self isolation has been a big learning curve, it really has served to remind us all of all the little things that we should be grateful for and spending valuable time with family and friends, I think sometimes we often take them for granted but we should learn to value and treasure them as often as we can and let them know just how much we love and care for them, for one day, and we never know, we may lose them,

One thing we shouldn't let ourselves loose is time, while we all have a wealth of time we should try to better ourselves for the greater good and go after our passions, don't you think? Let's all do what makes us happy and proud,

To pass the time in self isolation, I have been mainly focusing on my studies and skills that will help me on my career path, as many of you would know if you have been following my blog, I would love to work in the communications field with a focus on PR and branding but my ultimate dream would be to be able to promote the great work of Kpop, yes I am a Hallyu and Kpop fan,

I have been a fan since 2011, and while I try not to stick to any fandoms in particular I would love to give appreciation to all the entertainment companies and the idols for all the hard work they do, they work right around the clock to keep us entertained and smiling and for that I am most appreciative,

What are you appreciative for Walkerz? How about we all use this time to show those who we appreciate just how much we love and appreciate them and their hard work, it is the least we can do right, I always like to think if we don't show appreciation, then what motivation do these people have to keep going, I mean a lot of people would not keep going on if they didn't have the love and encouragement of those around them, so Walkerz who will you show your appreciation to today?

If I am not studying online Walkerz, I am either here, working on some blog pieces, watching a drama online, catching up on music and vlog videos, or, and I have gotten bad at this lately, online shopping, one of my plans recently is to try and bank up some blog content, so when I get an idea for a blog I try straight away, to start writing up a rough draft that I can perfect it and post at a later date, too many times in the past I have had a good idea for a blog but because I didn't take a note of it, it has passed from my mind and I have lost it forever, I hope this way I can retain a lot more ideas, what do you think?

If I am not online Walkerz, I will either be at the beach, cooking or have my head in a book, at the moment I am trying out the horror genre and reading some Stephen King, and I have to say I am actually enjoying it, I am finding if I don't take it too seriously I can actually see the humour in the book and it is making me smile, what books have you been reading Walkerz? Let's all share our goodreads and authors, I would love to explore some more books,

Now that a lot of us have a bit more time on our hands what activities or tasks are you all doing or exploring Walkerz? Are you learning some news skills or catching up on tasks that you have put off for a while? How about we all try to make the best of this time as we can,

At the moment my plan is to keep exploring writing and pr courses online and to bank up lots of fun blog content, I am still working at this point but you never know in these uncertain times when that could change, so while I have the time and while I am not working or studying I am trying to stay on top of everything as much as I can, I want to give myself a bit of leeway god forbid like late last year I get sick or something worse happens, do you have a similar plan incase Walkerz?

That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

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