Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thank you for stopping by and visiting
In this blog entry, we wanted to use the blog as an online platform to put Wilz's dream and manifestations out there into the universe,
The idea for this blog follows on from the manifestations and law of attraction ideas that we learnt from doing @FrenchyByChelseaElizabeth's online course Design Your Dream Life Academy, which is currently taking enrollments for its second round run, if you are interested in learning how you can design and attain your dream life then please visit frenchybychelseaeliabeth.com to sign up and to learn more,
From being one of Chelsea's first round of students, I can safely attest for the prosperity of the course, looking back over the course, we got to learn so much and have been left feeling so inspired, empowered and motivated, as the main premise of the course states we all got to clearly define our dream life, and then with all of the handy skills we learnt from Chelsea we learnt how we could best go after our dreams and outline tasks that we can do each day that will help us achieve our dreams, the course and all of the course content was super helpful and with Chelsea there as a guide and the addition of the Facebook community you will feel fully supported along the way, it is a really beautiful course to be a part of,
As a part of the course, we learned about the law of attraction, if we put out into the universe just what we hope to achieve and with hard work we can attract the same strength and sentiments back, and with this idea in mind this blog is Wilz putting out into the universe my dreams and what I would like to hopefully like to achieve,
So I think I have shared this a few times on the blog now but for those who don't know, I would like/aspire for a career working in PR (Public Relations), I want to have the chance to be able to work with people, brands, products and services that like Marie Kondo spark joy and inspiration, I want to be able to feel a passion for what I am doing and not to have a job just as a means to pay the bills and to have a roof over my head, I want to feel proud and to spread happiness around the world,
One thing that sparks a lot of joy for me is Hallyu/Kpop, I would love to share the genre with the world, it has always been a big dream of mine one day to hold a Kpop festival in my local city, and one day too I would love to travel to South Korea to experience the industry first hand, but for now, I should really start learning Korean so I will be able to communicate if I ever get the chance to visit,
I am curious to know Walkerz, what are your dreams and manifestations? Will you join in the next round of Chelsea's awesome course? I so hope you will,
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out