Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
Today Wilz is awfully late in posting up new content on the blog but I wanted to try something that I have always wanted to try and that is doing a free write piece,
I guess you can call it Wilz unedited, Wilz just being open and honest, and sharing directly what is on her mind, so let's go Wilz, lets type away,
On the forefront of my mind at the moment is a few courses that I would like to take on to compliment my bachelor of communications studies, I would love to do my certificates in TESOL (teaching English as a second language), an initial certificate in copywriting and maybe a marketing diploma,
Being a child of someone who's first language is not English, I have always come across a lot people from a lot of different age groups and countries who have in some way struggled to grasp English as a language let alone add Aussie slang in to the mix, I think growing up in this atmosphere it gave me more of an appreciation for language as a means of communication but I always tried to assist them where I could,
Even when I went away for my first round of uni in the city, I did help out a bit at the uni's English as a second language centre and when your faced with a situation where you can't communicate with people in a mutual language it really helps to open your eyes up to reading people's body language and finding a platform where your both can try to understand using mutual words,
At the centre we would do both verbal and written exercises, a lot of the time it would be getting the students to try and write or try to explain to us in conversational form what they did that day or about their travels and studies in Australia, and at other times we would use simple stories/text as teaching pieces to go through so they could understand phrases and grammar pieces, at times it did take a lot of patience but once you could see that they grasped the concept you were trying to teach them it was so uplifting and you could really see the joy in their eyes too, it was very rewarding,
Another career option that I think could be rewarding is copywriting, I have not done much work in this department but I really wouldn't mind learning more about it and giving it a try, I think it would really benefit my writing skills by helping me to process and comprehend more quickly as I type and read, it is definitely a skill I would love to get stronger at,
And often mixed up with pr (public relations) is the profession and skills of marketing, I really want to if I can along the way during my studies do a diploma in marketing so I have those skills that I can use if I need to, I would love to be able to understand the field of marketing more and how it can help in the field of pr,
If your studying too Walkerz, what skills or certificates would you like to do along the way to compliment your degrees?
But also if your not currently studying, what skills and certificates do you think would really help you in your profession/job? I am so curious to read all of your thoughts and feedback Walkerz,
Plus please share your thoughts on how I went with this free writing/typing exercise, it was nice to just open a page and to type away, it was a great mind cleanser, if you're ever stuck with what to write just open a blank page and just write/type out your thoughts, it really does help to filter your thoughts,
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out