Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
In light of taking part in @FrenchyByChelseaElizabeth's Design your Dream Life Academy, it got me thinking, what can I do to help those around me too,
For the longest time, I have always wanted to give back and support charities who I thought were doing amazing things in the world, but the problem was always the how, how could I do it in a creative way and get likeminded people to join me, I always knew from the beginning this was not something I could do all on my own but I wanted to find a creative way to get people in to help me to help support the great work the charities did,
One charity I have always wanted to support was Unicef, they do such amazing work around the world in looking out for the basic human rights of the most vulnerable in society and giving out aid where they can to support communities, especially at their heart the children of the world, like them I believe these children are our future, while they didn't have a choice into what circumstances they would be born into, we have to think a lot of us are in a position where we can help, even if it is just a couple of dollars that we can donate, it can make the world of difference for them, if not in the immediate future but for the long run,
The creative idea I was thinking of to help, was using the tag #IamListening, I would invite people to tweet/post using the tag and to make a donation to the cause, the donation can be as much or as little that you can afford, each and every bit counts, the story behind the tag is to show that we are listening to the plight of our fellow human beings in need, especially the children, that we are listening and that they are being heard and we are here to support them,
Unicef Australia has a great donation page, https://www.unicef.org.au/donate/donate-once, you can donate to a specific cause or you can choose to donate to where the need is greatest, but along with this donation page they also have a page where you can give a charitable gift, https://www.unicef.org.au/give-a-gift, you can select from a wide range of meaningful gifts that will help to support those most in need, while a lot of these gift packages in the developed world are things most of us would take for granted, the gift of these donations will help to make a big impact, not for just in the moment but for the future of many communities that will receive them,
So I am going to start off by making a $5 to where the need is greatest on their donation page and I shall tweet/post on my social media using the tag #IamListening, can I encourage you who is reading this to do the same, $5 might not be much in the grand scheme of things but each little bit will help, together we can help those less fortunate than ourselves and to create a better future for the children of the world,
What do you say Walkerz, will you join me? Are you listening too?
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out