"Christmas is virtually on our door, we are so not prepared, are you?

Aioli everyone,
Season's greetings,
It is only a few days till Christmas now, this will be the last full week of Blogmas till the big day, but how ill prepared we feel for what is to come but let's go with the flow, time for a weekly recap, this was the week that was,
"15th of December was a Wednesday, blog day"
On this day we had appointment in the city so I had to take the day off from work, the city was so busy and hectic going into the festive season with lots of people shopping for Christmas, so we did try to visit a couple of the local shopping malls, and visit some selected stores, and tried to get as much done as we could while we were there,
"16th of December was a Thursday, unintentional grocery trip"
Thursday was back to work but afterwards, we did a bit of damage buying some added little bits at the grocery store, as much as we tried to stay away and away from the crowds, there were some little bits and pieces that we need to pick up and prepare going into the festive season,
"17th of December was a Friday, sending the last of Christmas card day"
After work it was off to a local post office to send off the last few Christmas cards, they were only local cards that we were not completely sure of the addresses of so the post master assured us they would get delivered to their recipients safely and surely, after that was done we caught up with some family for little catch up,
"18th of December was a Saturday, errand day"
After work in the morning, it was into town for a brief trip to run some errands and to grab some little bits and pieces that we had forgotten, we did drop off some presents here and there and then it was home for more cleaning and preparing the house for guests for the festive season,
"19th of December was a Sunday, last minute city trip"
With masks being back in the Queensland, it was a quick run to the city to grab material and supplies to make more masks, we also stopped off for some lunch at one of the eateries in one of the local malls and picked up some last minute Christmas presents,
"20th of December was a Monday, back to work"
2nd last shift before Christmas holidays, I decided to use my annual leave from work, it is shaping up to rather warm this festive season, I can't help but keep checking the weather forecast for Christmas, at this stage its going to be a scorcher,
"21st of December was a Tuesday, city day"
Tuesday was a day off so we hit the city, some more of the Christmas grocery shopping was done and we looked around the mall for some of those last minute Christmas goodies and treats, the roads in and out of the city were turning into absolute mayhem,
"22nd of December was a Wednesday, appointment day"
Last shift before signing off for Christmas, my family had an appointment in town and then afterwards they had a quick lunch before heading home, in the afternoon I caught up with my cousin and got to see all the Christmas lights driving home,
"23rd of December was a Thursday, hello holidays"
It was back to town for an unexpected appointment and since the doctor's office is near a grocery store, it was on for some more Christmas food shopping, I was a bit disappointed since I couldn't find any eggnog but never to worry, in the next couple of days there is so much food to come, having not much eggnog was going to be the least of our worries,
"24th of December was a Friday, its Christmas eve"
It is street parade day, the extended family is staying next door and the kitchen is busy with lots of food being prepared for the feasting tonight, it is full on, it is the one event of the year we catch up with neighbors up and down the street and indulge in some bad singing of carols,
"25th of December was Saturday, Merry Christmas"
Merry Christmas to one and all, we hope you all enjoy this special day with all your family and friends and have a great time catching up and expressing season's greetings with everyone, we want to say thank you for supporting the blog and please take care if your travelling, we love and appreciate you all,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out