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Personal Blogz - Wilz creates a blog post schedule

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz

Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,

How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,

At this point I have been posting on this blog inconsistently but I want to change that, let's create a blog schedule Walkerz,

I want to start by creating a lot more fun and interactive content Walkerz, I want to learn and experience how to create lots of different styles of content and interact with lots of different types of people and brands,

For me this blog is a good source of inspiration and outlet for me to try and learn lots of different type of skills first hand, the more I can learn and try to teach myself here the more beneficial I like to think it will be in the workplace for a potential employers, what do you think Walkerz?

This is blog also works like a portfolio of sorts for me to show off my writing skills and inspirations to other people and potential employers, it is my own online place that I can share what I am passionate about and enjoy, it is also a place where I can document my thoughts, travels and studies, I don't journal in person so this blog also works as my journal,

I have in the past tried to keep physical written journals but it is just so much more easier for me to type out my feelings rather than being my perfectionist self and not being happy and scrunching up so many pages, I guess you can say I am being more eco friendly and indulging in a lot more writing freedom,

How do you all like to indulge in some writing freedom Walkerz? Do you journal? Do you blog too? In a instagram live a while back now, Chelsea from Frenchy by Chelsea Elizabeth probably gave me some of the greatest advice and she said just get out there and write, and even if your not 100% happy with it just post it and learn from the feedback, and that truly spoke a lot to me, and that is what I am trying to do,

You can only hone your craft from working at right Walkerz, so this is Wilz just typing away and posting it even though I might not be a fully happy with all the pieces I put out there but I shall learn and grow from reading feedback and comments, and please keep them coming Walkerz, I will try to take as many as of them on board and learn and grow,

I also want to try posting on a more consistent schedule, at this stage I am looking at releasing content at 7:30 pm on Tuesdays and Saturdays each week, what do you think Walkerz? I know I ask that question a lot but I really value all of your feedback and criticism, so fire away, as long as it is positive that is,

I really value all of you Walkerz, you guys are one of the biggest reasons I keep this blog going along with benefitting my learning, but meeting and getting to know each of you is truly precious to me, you guys are like the family I never got to have, I hope you all feel the same way too, well,

That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey we called life, peace out

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