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Personal Blogz - Wilz first week of Blogmas

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz
"This year we have been watching a lot of Vlogmas videos, so we thought why not do Blogmas, we can do it each week of Decemeber"

Aioli everyone,

Season's greetings!

We thought we would try our hand at doing Blogmas this year, we can recap for each week of December how we spent the festive season and the last month of 2021 before we ring in 2022,

"1st of December was a Wednesday so it was a blog day"

Usually, on the 1st of December, my family and I start the festive season by putting up all the Christmas decorations and lights, but being mid-week we decided to leave it for the weekend, this year it was a pretty chill start to the festive season for us, I went to work in the morning, I rang in the festive season for work but wearing a festive scrunchie, and then in the afternoon it was time to catch up on chores, and all that fun stuff, and of course can't forget the blog,

"2nd of Decemeber was Thursday, we had an adult day"

What a great way to get into the festive season than taking care of all those adult responsibilities, paying bills, getting the car serviced, getting medications and running errands, but at least I would much rather get it all done at the start of the month than actually closer to Christmas, it was a relief that it was all done and organised,

"3rd of Decemeber was Friday, TGIF!"

Hello to the first Friday of the season, after spending half the day at work it was all home to get prepared for the weekend that was to come, there was Christmas decorations and lights everywhere you turned, we try to solely use solar lights here with very few battery operated lights and definitely no LED lights, it is always so warm here being summer in the tropics so using solar leaves no footprint on the power bill,

"4th of December was Saturday, bring on the bright lights"

After work in the morning, it was operation Decorate House for Christmas, usually, the routine is to start outside the house putting up all the lights outside and in the garden and then when it cools down into the evening we break out the house decorations, this year I was also on the Christmas cards, so after many cards later and helping outside where I could, we were all beat, but it was not yet complete,

"5th of Decemeber was Sunday, day 2 of operation decorate"

After a well earned sleep in, it was onto day 2 of operation of Decorate House for Christmas, for my family it does take 2 days or even more days to decorate the yard depending on what the family has decided the theme is for the year, this year we have a central piece of a truck with a Christmas banner as the trailer, the reason we take so long on the decorations outside is that we have an annual street parade so we all take pride in dressing up our houses to ring in the festive spirit for the community,

"6th of Decemeber was Monday, back to work"

After a full-on weekend of decorating and card writing, it was back to work, at the moment I am getting together a small collection of Christmas scrunchies and since we aren't allowed to wear festive shirts I am rotating through my festive scrunchie collection, some of my scrunchies have bells on them so when I walk it gives a little jingle, but it is just something fun not only for myself but for the customers too, for work I usually celebrate the seasons in the year with different themed scrunchies, life is pretty boring if you wear the same thing day in day out,

"7th of December was Tuesday, 1st week of December done"

We survived the first week of December jokes but each day is taking us closer and closer to Christmas Day and the new year, we hope your festive season is off to a great start and you are enjoying time with family and friends and not like us stressing over Christmas decorations and cards, but it will all be worth it in the end, I still can't believe we have come to the end of the year already, 2022 is fast approaching, let's make the best of what we have got, season's greetings everyone

That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

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