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Personal Blogz - Wilz gets back into study

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz
"Hello Semester 1, 2022, we had a lovely break and now its back to the books"

Aioli everyone,

Hope you have all been well,

As the title of the blog says we are back into study for 2022, if you haven't been following this blog, my name is Wilz and I am online communications student with the University of South Australia,

I started my communications degree in 2018, well before covid began but I have solely studied this degree online, I had done previous studies online and it just felt like the right fit for me, it gave me the availability to still work and on my days off I could complete my study requirements, I chose to study communications cause it really fit in with the career path I really want to take which is public relations and brand management,

Before starting my communications degree, I did complete a diploma of business administration online and it gave me inspiration to go after my bachelors, before achieving my diploma, I had no formal qualifications or certificates except my grade 12 level and that just didn't sit right with me so I wanted to change that, and with some perseverance and dedication, I was able to attain that certificate, it was a good refresher for the skills I had studied in high school,

"If it is your dream, you should follow your heart and go after it, even if not all your family and friends understand"

To be honest, not all my family and friends understand my passion for wanting to go into public relations and/or brand management but for them, realizing it something that I am passionate about and makes me happy is enough for them not to really question me, unfortunately in life family and friends can distract you from following what makes you happy but if you want it bad enough, you just have to make that call and go after it, at the end of the day, if they love and support you, seeing you happy and enjoying what you are doing should be a treasure for them,

Another issue that has been raised, is why I choose to study at a university at the other end of the country rather than doing a course at a local facility, and that is easy for me to answer, studying online with the University of South Australia gives me a lot more freedom and choice, I don't have to travel anywhere to complete any assessments and I still have the option of working locally, and picking up my study requirements on my days off, it was the best option for me,

"The University of South Australia has been nothing short of excellent, from all the staff to the course content, if I ever have a problem they are only to happy to help solve it"

I didn't know much about the University before choosing to study there, but over the years of study and getting to know the staff, they have been nothing short of amazing and super incredible,

"I realize I have been studying my degree for sometime now, longer than the usual 4 years, but anxiety issues had a lot to do with that"

Usually, a communications degree with the university would take 4 years to complete, but along the way, I dealt with anxiety issues and receiving treatment and the university has been very accommodating of this, they offered me lots of assistance, from counselling services to help with assessments and I can't thank them enough, they were so helpful and understanding,

"Having anxiety is not something that should be looked down upon, with treatment it can be managed, it doesn't have to rule your life"

From being officially diagnosed and to reaching where I am now, having anxiety is not something that should be looked down upon, as my psychologist explained to me, talking about what your going through helps a lot, we can't help each other with anxiety if we are ashamed and not talking about it, sharing our stories with each other can really help, and to have a university that is so understanding and helpful towards this is so uplifting, while yes I have failed some subjects along the way, the staff at the university were always there to help and guide me through, I am so appreciative to them,

"Which brings us to the present and now, this will hopefully be my last year of the degree and we are getting off to a good start"

While I have failed along the way, I have not let that discourage me and I am determined to see this course of study through, the end of the course is in sight now, and I will feel so accomplished when I can get there, I know doing this course will help me greatly in achieving my dreams, and while I continue to study I hope I can get some good experience along the way,

So starting this fresh new semester in 2022, I am keen to get off to a good start and keep on top of my studies, so far we are only in week 1 but I hope I can keep this up the whole year through, I want to try and keep organized and do the best I can,

"If you guys are interested in taking up some studies or want to start on a new career path then can I please recommend to you checking out the University of South Australia"

That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

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