Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
I don't think I have shared this story on the blog before but let me share with you all how I came across Kpop and some of the things I have learn along the way, please feel free to share your stories too,
I came across Kpop in Dec 2011, it was a like a week before Christmas, it was suggested to me first on Itunes, my first ever Kpop song was 2PM's Hands up, and to learn more I started tuning into SBS PopAsia, where my first tracks there were SHINee's cover of Last Christmas and Super Junior's Santa U Are The One,
The more and more I tuned in each day, the more I got lost in the void and met so many awesome and incredible people, some of who I still keep in touch with today and they have really become like family to me, each day we would tune into the live show on SBS PopAsia and for like a few hours a day it was a wonderful escape, we would chat, get to know each other and just jam out,
But along with my degree journey, chatting with to what started out with was complete strangers with only a like for a music genre in common opened up my communications channels and skills too, I went from shy online web surfer to slowly learning to open up and creating connections with those around me, the more I got to know the others around me, the more and more I treasured them and over the years they have all taught me so much, in fact they were some of the generous souls that introduced me to blogging, and the rest is history as they would say,
I have learnt so much from these friends well I like to call them my online family, they have always been there to love and support me, even through some of the most toughest parts of my life and for that I am super grateful, and I want them to know I would do the same for them too, I am always here for them, to shower them in love and support, they are absolute champions,
Being a follower of Kpop has also introduced me to friends right around the globe, I have recently just made a new friend in Chile but I do try my best to regularly tweet everyone and try to catch up when I can, I often dream how nice it would be one day to travel to their place and to enjoy a meal and concert with them all, I can safely say Kpop fans are some of the sweetest and considerate people you could ever meet, from how many years experience now, I have barely met any fans I didn't get along with, they are all such champions,
As for the music itself, it really is a lot of genres in one, you can have classical like trot, which I really do enjoy, to pop, rock and even rap, and r'n'b, I am yet to find a genre in Kpop that I don't like yet, they each have their own unique traits but I do truly love them all, and when a group can get a lovely mix of genres into a track and or album, I love it,
But along with the music comes the performance elements, and as a big binge watcher of most of the music programs online, you can really see there is a lot that goes into each performance, from the beautiful detailed outfits, to the technique in the dancing, the stage props and the stage in general, a lot of hard work or as BTS says blood sweat and tears goes into, so if your into Kpop as well please be sure to show your favourite idols lots of love and please let them know on a regular basis just how much you love and appreciate them, at the end of the day and sometimes this can often be forgotten, they are human too, they need love and care too,
If your into Kpop too, please sure with us all what you have learnt? But to be honest the more I learn about Kpop and Korean culture there are always things that surprise and shock me, it is a never ending learning journey but I wouldn't have it any other way, how about you?
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and lets keep walking on this journey called life, peace out