"Hello December, hello festive season, it is nice to meet you for 2021, I wonder what this last month of the year has in store for us all"

Aioli everyone,
How are you all?
Today marks the 1st December for 2021, where did the year go? but we still have a month left for the year, we can still achieve great things,
As 2021 is coming to a close, it really has me thinking about the year that was and the year that is come, from the bottom of my heart I do hope 2021 was a good year for you despite the restrictions of covid,
"I sincerley hope in 2022, the whole covid situation right around the globe gets better for everyone, that we can all be together with our loved ones again, and to celebrate all the good that happens in our lives, and that we won't let a virus define us"
While covid has had a big impact on our lives this year, I would like to think we don't let it define the year that was, there was still a lot of good that came out 2021, we still accomplished so much and I like to think we each took steps that took us closer to our dreams, we can't let things like covid stand in our way, our dreams are achievable, we can and we have got this,
"I like to think we can only continue on the journey into the new year, let's not loose hope, let's not loose faith, we can make 2022 a great year, it holds so much faith and prosperity"
The new year is ultimately ours for the taking, we can make it what we want to be and if keep working at it, our dreams are within reach, we can make 2022 our year, even despite covid and any other obstacle that might get in our way, I agree with the saying, it is not what happens but how we react to it, together we can choose happiness and content, don't let the small things get us down,
Going into the new year at the moment, I have no new years resolutions, but I hope during the month of December, by sitting down for a moment and setting up some goals that I would like to achieve I can make some resolutions to help me get there,
"Do you have any new years resolutions? What is it that you want to achieve going into 2022?
I would like to think resolutions are small changes we can make to help us on the path to achieve our goals for the new year, they don't have to be anything grand but if we think of them as changes to help us on the path to greatness then I think we have a better chance of making them a habit, what do you all think?
So December, I ask of you, please hold us in good stead, let us have many a fun celebration to remember the year that was and all that we got to accomplish, let us relish in the company of our loved ones, enjoy good food and good times, let's make this last month of 2021 a beautiful close to the year,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out