"The end of the first semester for 2022 has just passed and study holidays has just started, it is time to catch up"

Aioli everyone,
Hope you have been well,
Semester has ended and Wilz has neglected all things blog, articles and social media posting, but it is time to revaluate and to catch up on how things are going, let's look what we can change and improve,
"It is always good to stop sometimes and take stock of how things are progressing, if not well you can make changes for the better"
In one of the last blogs, we talked about a posting schedule for content, and while at the time we thought it was a good plan, to be honest we haven't really stuck to it, and we feel like we need to make some changes, while we are happy with article posts for Mondays, blogs for Wednesdays, we would like to post one Facebook post for the week and make Instagram posts more impulsive,
During the period since the last blog post, we have found on many occasions where we wanted to post on Instagram but not being on the day on the posting schedule we passed it up and as result we feel like we haven't been consistent and connecting with people on there, as a result we want to make posting there more impulsive when we feel like content is current and will capture the attention of more people,
"But we have been working hard on creating more Instagram stories, we are trying to share more about our fave personalities and businesses"
We really enjoy sharing and promoting our friends and businesses on Instagram, it is thanks to this and the old school trends like Follow Fridays on Twitter, that have influenced my passion for working with brands and in PR (Public Relations), but we still have a lot to learn, we are really enjoying creating content and can't wait to learn more
"We are really learning a lot through exploration and play, the more we try and experience, the more fun we are having fun with it"
Some of the friends we have made online have really taught us a lot too, @bishschool has been a great influence, lately they have introduced us to so many new friends with their network the hour post, check it out on their Instagram page,
@jesstathem and @jess.crerar have influenced us with their amazing photography and inspirational posts, while both overcoming different obstacles, they have been using their stories to influence good and faith in others, and we couldn't be more proud and appreciative of them,
We are also really appreciative for @andytrieushow and @frenchybychelseaelizabeth, while we have only met Andy once in person and are yet to meet Chelsea, they have been such great teachers and such strong mentor figures, we have learnt so much from them,
"Blogging and posting online has really connected us to some awesome and inspiring people, this really gives us joy, hearing your stories and connecting, is so beautiful"
Going back to our posting schedule in light of what we have shared, we want to try and be more creative with our posts, we want to try out more with photography and creating with videography, we hope our posts can engage more audiences and we hope we can be more consistent in posting too, we enjoy nothing more than interacting with our audience and seeing and reading their responses, you give us the faith and energy to keep going,
"I know we say this a lot, but we are truly appreciative for each and every single person that reads, shares and supports our blog, you truly melt our heart with your love and support"
Never did we think when we started this blog, we would come this far, we have learned and grown so much, it has really brought so much to our lives and going forward we hope you will stick by us for the journey to come, we are truly appreciative for your kind words and support,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out