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Personal Blogz - Wilz's the repeat offender, late catch ups

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz

Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,

How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,

No clicks for Wilz this weekend, Wilz has been naughty naughty and not keeping to schedule again, we missed the Saturday post schedule,

While we are not as burned out as the last time we missed a post, we are still pretty exhausted and was trying to catch up on the zzzs, just as I typed that there was yawn, but it just serves to remind us, time to get prepped for the week to come Wilz, we need to update the digital and paper schedules,

But before we get to that, just for those out there who are stickler for details and grammar like myself, and I don't blame you for wondering about this, I would be too if I was in your position, why do you keep saying 'we' Wilz when your 1 human putting together the blog, and that is a great question,

But back in the past when I would put these blog pieces together I would be accompanied by my little feathered assistant, my gorgeous little keet and together we would she would help me by being my little copywrite, my copy keet, but since she has passed I am still in the habit of typing 'we' instead of 'I', and plus I like to think that she is still with me in spirit so it is still her blog as much as it is mine,

But back to regular programming jokes, well actually back to schedule and schedule talk, Wilz is starting to get into the frame mind, that once I get tired like this, and as I type there is another great yawn, it is a good reminder, to stop and to take the time to check the schedule and to see if we are all on track, still good to take that next step and to remind ourselves we are progressing forward and still on the path toward the greater good,

No backward steps here and no regrets, as I would used to always say to my little copy keet, I am like a bird too only flying upward and onward from here, we have come such a long way, a long way from the nest and where we started, each step and each day the dreams and goals are getting that more closer to our grasp we just have to keep striving and walking towards them, we have so got this,

Do you like to pep yourselves up like this too Walkerz?

As crazy as it may sound, I find the self talk and the self pep talk is a great motivator, and it is great way to remind myself of the dreams and goals I set with my little copy keet, I know she is watching my every step and like my Dad, who she is flying high with, they just want me to be happy, and I just want to do them proud,

I also want to ask Walkerz, is there anyone else who want to do proud by achieving your dreams and/or goals?

Let's chat and discuss Walkerz, together we can help each other and hold each other accountable along the way, we can achieve our dreams together, what do you say we will you walk with me on my journey and I walk with you for yours too?

That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

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