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"How to Personalize Your Journal Pages for Effective Journaling"

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz

Unleashing our creativity to craft a captivating identity for our journal page!

Aioli everyone, we hope you have all been well, we apologize we missed an entry last week, but this week, as the title suggests, we want to unleash our creative flair to give our journal page some identity and personality, cause admittedly at the moment the page looks so plain and blase, it not being very effective in what we want it to do which is helping people to get to know us on a more personal level and being open to express ourselves.

While our journal page has only one entry there at the moment, which we are not entirely happy with because we rushed to have some content posted on there, we are going to share how we plan to personalize the page so it can reach the goals we want to achieve with it, we hope with time and our plans, the journal will become more effective in what we want to achieve.

typing on a computer

Our plans

Overall, our main creative plan for the journal page is to treat it like a free writing exercise, so cut back on the editing and just let our minds be free to type whatever comes out, we are pretty sure we shared this in our first journal entry, but we want to share it here too, our hopes in doing it like this, it that we are open and able to share like an open page in a book, no concealments, just free, honest and open.

In terms of the page layout, we are not that tech-savvy so we cannot change that, but in terms of making the page more interactive, we plan to add more in terms of links and media. As in our first entry, we tried to include a track that we felt was encompassing of the entry and we want to try out more features like that, what did you think of the addition of the journal tracks?

Along with the addition to media in journal entries, we would also like to try and be more prolific with the images we use for posts, so using more of our own where we can rather than always using free media. Nothing against, they have some truly amazing services but there are just some things we would like to try on our own, so please watch out for those.

We are curious to know if you have your own, journal page, blog or like us, have a website, we would love to hear and see how you personalized your pages to reflect your personal goals. In terms of our website, visibility and clarity are some big goals for us, we wanted our pages to be easy to read, and easy to navigate with hints of colours, we didn't want our stylings to be so overbearing you couldn't grasp the message in the information that we were sharing. But no matter what your goals are, we would love to hear and see how you reflected them in your style choices.

Going Forward

We invite you all to keep a watch on the journal page as we unleash our creativity and start to vamp up the page. The more we post on there, the better we hope you will get to know us. If you have any suggestions on how we can make the page better please just reach out and let us know, we are always keen to hear your feedback.

That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out.

Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer

Our current posting schedule is:

 'article' posts Monday

 'blog' posts Friday

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