Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping and visiting,
Have you all heard about @FrenchybyChelseaElizabeth's new course The Design Your Dream Life Academy?
If you haven't heard about it or would like more information about the course please visit Chelsea's website frenchybychelseaelizabeth.com for more, but in essentials, it is a 21-day intensive course where we the participants work through with Chelsea using the laws of attraction, manifesting and building and analysing our own built road maps, what our dream lives look like and how we can there,
So far we are only in module 1 of the course, the introductory phase, and so far, it has really left me and all of the other participants in the course feeling so inspired and encouraged, we have all taken some time to sit down to define for ourselves what our dream lives look like and we are beginning to take action, we are all thinking what little things or steps can we do today that can help us achieve our dreams,
Our course facilitator and manifestation mentor Chelsea is such a great host and is always there to answer any questions we might have, she is super helpful, kind and considerate, through sharing her own story with us we can see how she got to where is and how we can do the same too, she is great at working with us all and provides such an individualised and personalised service and experience, I only have love and admiration for you, Chelsea,
And as a super awesome treat, she is extending the enrollment period into the course till tomorrow, to check out the course and related costs please check out her website for more information, and while you are there you can also check out the other products she has on sale, her book 'Getting into my dream university, a guide on how you can do the same' is a great read and she is also has a couple of handy self-help pdf posters that are completely free, yes you read that FREE!
The reason why I joined the course was I felt I was getting lost along the way, as many of you would already know I want to pursue a career in PR, for the longest time now I have been manifesting wanting to get into PR cause it would allow me to be able to work with brands, products and services that I enjoy and feel inspired by, at the moment I work in shift work and I can't say I feel passionate or inspired by it a all, I want to change that, I want to be happy and passionate about all that I do, so Wilz is making the change, I am going after that dream life,
What does your dream life look like Walkerz? And what are you doing to attain your dreams? Let's share and discuss,
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out