Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
Last night I was so honoured to be able to join in on @FrenchybyChelseaElizabeth and @MarieAngelFit Zoom first ever Zoom event Soul chats,
If you have been following the blog or know me in person you would know Chelsea has become a good friend of mine, but teamed up with Marie from MarieAngelFit they hosted such a fun, inspiring, motivating, empowering, energising and encouraging event,
I seriously could have used a lot more positive and uplifting adjectives in there but I thought I should limit myself and not go too overboard, but speaking of boards being the cheesy person I am, I tried to make the event just that little bit more fancy for myself by creating a little cheese platter board, I had some cream cheese, gouda, edam and brie,
But the cheese also worked in my favour, Chelsea and Marie were running a lucky door prize for the event, they invited all of us event participants to share the event on our Instagram stories and to tag them in our posts and with my terrible cheese puns I won myself tickets to the next event, which I am already super looking forward to, I can't wait for them to release more details soon,
The whole night was a lot of fun, the theme of the night was florals and the dress code comfy pjs, we were free to indulge in any drinks and snacks that we liked, the only real requirement that we were all asked was to bring along with us was a notebook and pen so we could take notes along the way of anything that sparked interest for us and to write down things we would like to work on before the next event,
The event was split into a couple of distinct segments, to start the night we all invited to introduce ourselves with some brief self introductions so we could all get to know each other and then from there it was onto some very powerful and engaging presentaitons from our event hosts and then to wrap up the night we had a bit of a QnA segment to close out the night,
But this was not a once off event, the hosts made it very clear to us, while yes they were more than enthuasitc to share their knowledge and wisdom with us, they wanted to open a Facebook group so we could all connect and have a great support network to hold us all accountable and keep us on the right path, everyone was so super friendly at the event so I am looking forward to getting to know everyone better and to sharing my dreams and goals with them,
I have shared this with the universe before but my dreams and goals are to pursue a career in the PR (Public Relations) industry, I want to be able to work with people, brands, products and services that like Marie Kondo spark joy and interest, while I don't hate my current job I want to as they say work in a career that I feel passionate about, do what you love and you won't work a day in your life isn't that how the saying goes,
I am curious what are your dreams Walkerz? and how you are you working to achieve them? Let's share and discuss,
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out