Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
I want to share with you all a awesome mental health platform created by famous Australian actress Sam Frost and her sister Kristine called Believe,
While not overly publicised, actress Sam Frost, who is well known for her role of Jasmine on Home Away struggles with mental health issues and together with her sister who is a qualified Youth Mentor and Fitness Instructor created a beautiful online platform that girls and women can reach out and share called Believe https://www.believebysamfrost.com/
Believe by Sam Frost in their words "Believe is a mental health initiative for young girls and women focusing on depression, anxiety, toxic relationships and navigating the sometimes challenging world of social media. This is a safe place where everyone is invited, included and accepted. A place where imperfections are celebrated. Here you will find uplifting stories of strength and resilience, with advice from psychologists and others who have walked a similar path."
As many of you may already know I suffer from anxiety and to have a place like this online is so inspiring and encouraging, while I know having mental health issues is not something to be proud of it is fantastic that the Frost sisters have created a place that we can have to come together and to share our stories, it can really help suffers to have an outlet to release and to talk to others about how they have overcome their struggles and fears, it is really beneficial, thank you Sam and Kristine,
I do admit though, I know my anxiety isn't as bad as some others have it but I have come a long way with the help of psychology, medication, self care and the support of those around me, talking to others has really helped a lot, it has really helped to know that I am not alone and some of the techniques and advice they have given me is worth more than gold, thanks to all of these measures I can take each day as it comes and I am able to cope and to self soothe myself, to have an outlet and to reach out has been really helpful,
I also want to give a special shout out to a dear friend of mine, while she might not realise it Chelsea from @FrenchybyChelseaElizabeth has helped and inspired me when I really needed it the most, she has always constantly reminded me of the true value of self care and taking time out just to be, she has also inspired me with the way she always thinks ahead and plans things out, that leaf notebook or as I affectionately call it leaf the good ideas here, is so inspirational to me,
Chelsea came to me in a time when I was struggling to keep up with my studies and to hear and see her journey and to be able to connect with her family and friends is so precious to me, thank you Chelsea, I know I say it a lot but I don't think I will ever be really able to show just how much I appreciate your help and friendship, your a dear true beautiful friend, thank you,
But in addition to the great work of Believe by Sam Frost, I also love and appreciate the work of the R U OK organisation, I tried last year to show some support for their R U OK day but I don't think I was that successful but their message is so important too, if you notice someone feeling a bit down or hasn't been themselves, please ask R U OK? https://www.ruok.org.au/
Just striking up a single conversation could help save a life, it doesn't have to be just family or friends, it could be a classmate, a team member or even a stranger, just talking and showing some genuine concern and affection can really help turn around someone's day or even their life, all it takes is just asking R U OK? and making some little small talk, when you think about it is pretty simple but that simple can make all the difference,
If you yourself have mental health issues or know someone that does please can I ask you to share these resources with them and reach out, you don't have to do anything very drastic but getting help even if it just talking to a good friend can really make all the difference,
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out