Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
I think all my friends out there know of the multinational beauty company Dove right?If you don't know them you are going to get in brief introduction to them shortly,
Dove welcomes you to their website https://www.dove.com/au/home.html by saying "…the home of real beauty. For over a decade, we've been working to make beauty a source of confidence, not anxiety, and here's where the journey continues. Beauty is not defined by shape, size or colour – it’s feeling like the best version of yourself. Authentic. Unique. Real. Which is why we’ve made sure our site reflects that. Every image you see here features women cast from real life. A real life version of beauty.
Whatever you’re looking for – products to provide you with the care you need, tips and advice ranging from hair care, to skin care, to underarm care – everything you see here is designed to make you feel beautiful." Quote taken straight from the home page of their website. Dove as a company are really enthusiastic when it comes to all things beauty, I think you can see from the quote, Dove believes beauty comes from the inside out, when you feel beautiful you will radiate that with the rest of the world, you can take on the world with such enthusiasm and in your steed you will inspire others too, it is such a lovely message, I hope it is all us women can work towards,
I was so in love with their message so I took a chance and messaged Dove on Facebook to let them know and I would be happy to give them a review of their products, but what happened next I didn't expect, they so pleasantly surprised me,
Shock horror they responded, but it wasn't in a way that I expected, they were actually super sweet and supportive, it was really in the vibe of chatting with a good friend, not the response that you would expect of a big multinational company, they were very approachable and genuinely cared what I had to say, as many would say they gave me the time of the day and were only too happy to chat,
One of my absolute favourite things to do now is to leave them short messages on Facebook messenger and they are always happy to respond with the sweetest and friendly message and in the most gorgeous manner, one recent message I left them went like this, in the current times of negativity and uncertainty, I just wanted to leave them some love and appreciation and they were grateful for that,
I don't know if many of you have tried reaching out to a big multinational company before but you would expect their response to be at the most cold and very generic that is if they even took the time to respond to you at all, but I have not found this at all with Dove, they are only too happy to help and assist with any queries or messages, you can honestly expect a response from them in a few hours but they do get back to you, not like some other companies I have reached out too, where you can see they have seen your message but don't respond to you at all, that can be so disheartening,
I am curious to know Walkerz, when you interact with a business or a company what are some things that you really appreciate?
A response is a big one for me, is just a quick message to say we have sighted your message and we will get back to you as soon as we can, and when they have the chance respond, to thank you for your time and to offer helpful suggestions for your issue/query, and another big one for me is that if they don't know, to say I don't know, there is nothing worse when someone or a company doesn't know the answer but they lead you on, it is just a waste of time,
I am curious to hear, what you look for when in communications with a company, please share and let's chat
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keeping walking on this journey called life, peace out