Aioli Walkerz,
How are we all? Settling into 2021 happily we hope,
For this blog, we wanted to pull the shameless friend plug, we wanted to plug to you all some of our fave friends in hopes you guys will fall in love with them too,
First cab off the rank that we would love to share with you all is Chelsea from FrenchyByChelseaElizabeth.com, if you have been following this blog for some time now you would know we have mentioned Chelsea quite a few times in the blog and she is such a beautiful supporter of ours, but one of the main reasons we would like to give her a plug is that not only is she is a great friend and just generally a beautiful human being but her YouTube channel is so close to the magical 1000 follower mark and if we could help her achieve that we would be most thankful,
If you haven't met or heard of Chelsea, she is a gorgeous YouTuber who hails from Melbourne Australia, she did work in a corporate job in Television but has since left that all behind to follow her passion of being a manifestation mentor and helping her clients and followers in excelling and go after their dream life and goals, her YouTube channel, her website and brand is FrenchyByChelseaElizabeth, you can watch her videos on this link https://www.youtube.com/c/FrenchyByChelseaElizabeth, we would be so honoured that if you like her videos and her content to please click that red subscribe button and become a member of the Frenchy Fam, and we if we can help to break that 1000 follower mark we would be so ecstatic,
The second cab on the rank that we would love to share with you all is our dear friend Rose from Rose Russo on YouTube, formerly Rosebud143, in her recent videos on her YouTube she explains how her channel which had over a million subscribers was taken down and terminated so she is starting afresh with a new channel and working hard to build up her subscriber base again, you can check out her fresh new YouTube channel and videos on this link https://www.youtube.com/user/R0SERUSS0,
She is uploading a lot of her old videos which were taken down as well as releasing some fresh content, her channel is all about beauty, fashion and health, we would appreciate if you enjoy her content to pop her a subscribe by clicking on the red subscribe button, let's help her build up the base again,
We can't count how many years we have been friends with Rose but it has been a very long time, we still have fond memories of when she was releasing her first videos on YouTube and to see what has come of them recently is disappointing but if we can help her build it all back up we would be very appreciative, please also sign up for her mailing list on her website https://russostyles.com/ to receive news and email directly from her,
We would also love for you all to check out our recent dear friend Jess Tateham's YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmIl1b2AX9YLGDwx7FlciLw, to keep things brief Jess is recovering from an eating disorder and sharing her recovery journey on YouTube is helping her to heal and make light of her situation, we are so proud of how far she has come in recovery and we would love for you guys to be able to love and support her too, please subscribe to her channel, we would really appreciate it,
The last 2 YouTube channels we would love to share with you all are dear friends that we have made recently, please help us in plugging Merle The Talking 'Tiel' and dear friend BirdNerdSophie, their channels links are https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf0atGyK-QXknQmKoHEiMiQ and https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfFIZNi4YUguqMDOVHq7H9g, compared to our other friends we have only recently discovered these 2 friends and we would love to share the helpful and insightful content they share with us all, they are both very knowledgable when it comes to birds and can give you very helpful suggestions if you have any bird-related problems or queries, please check them out and if you enjoy, please click that red subscribe follow button, we would really appreciate it,
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out