Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
Today, I want to share with you all my journey in purchasing a domain/home for this adventure I mean blog, let me recap the adventure/walk,
For a while now I had been seeing TV and online advertisements for domain sale site GoDaddy.com,au, I have to admit I have purchased from them in the past for another blog site that I had and at the time I was content with their service so I thought why not try it again,
Buying a domain with GoDaddy was super simple, you merely pop on to their website, search your desired domain name and if it is available you proceed through and purchase procedure right then and there, it really is as simple as that, and the website is super clear and easy to navigate, you truly won't have any issues cruising around their site,
That have even made it simple to connect your newly purchased GoDaddy domain to your WIX website, all I did was simply google for some instructions from WIX and it really couldn't be more simple than that, the help site from WIX had a step to step video which paused after each step so you could process each step and then you could press play when you were ready to proceed, and after 5 steps, hey presto your all connect and ready to go, simple as that,
And here we are with walkwithwilz.com.au, beautiful right Walkerz, even though there is no WIX banners on the site, I still want to acknowledge them because without their expertise I wouldn't of been able to create a site this gorgeous, if your thinking about starting a blog I highly recommend you try it out, I did and I have loved it ever since,
I was first introduced to blogging by some of my good friends who listened to SBS PopAsia, they shared with me blogs that they had create and I thought, hey I can do this and so my blogging journey began, that was a few years ago now but look how far I have come, I thank them so much because without it I wouldn't have met so many great people and had as many awesome opportunities as I have had, blogging gives me a creative outlet for my writing and lots of great ways to learn and try out different styles of writing, if you are reading this and like to write, please try out blogging, I guarantee you won't regret it,
Blogging also works like a online journal for me, as a sufferer of anxiety, typing and getting out what is bothering me on my blog and being expressive with my writing has really helped me so much, I am curious to know if it is the same for other suffers out there, I am not overly expressive as a person so I find writing is my best outlet for getting my creativity out along with photography, I tend to find the beauty in the little things, like shapes, colours and the feeling in the moment, as my family and friends would say I am a hopeless romantic and overly sentimental,
How are you with expressing your feelings and creativity Walkerz? Have you ever thought about it and if so how did that come about? For me it came about as a part of my anxiety treatment, I self reflected about my passions and what about them draws me in, and from there I started to write down these thoughts and wrote down possible careers and dreams I could pursue, I tried to tie in as many of my passions as I could,
For me some of my biggest passions are Hallyu/Kpop and starting and engaging in conversations online and so my dream to work towards a career in communications in particular public relations was born, the ultimate dream would be to able to start conversations online for brands and for Hallyu, I would love to be able to share things I am passionate about with others and have them appreciate them too, that would be my top goal,
How did you go about finding the passion behind your dreams Walkerz? Jeeves, I have asked you a lot of questions in this blog piece but I genuinely interested, I love hearing people's stories about these topics, I find just sitting and listening to them reminds you no matter how far fetched the dream might be if you want it bad enough and have the drive, nothing can stop you, you can achieve anything you set your heart and mind to, you can achieve it and so much more Walkerz, we just have to believe and have hope and faith,
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey we call life, peace out