Join us as we create a successful blog and building our online presence
Aioli everyone, we hope you have all been well, this week we will follow on from our last blog entry and start to rebuild the blog and our online presence. If you haven't checked out our previous blog, please take a quick read here "Website Changes: What's been happening in our world recently?" ( before you continue with this one,
As the title states, we will share the top tips that we will use for creating a successful blog and building our online presence. But first things first, we started with a content calendar.

Content Calendar Tips for Creating a Successful Blog and Building Your Online Presence
As discussed in our previous blog, we needed to create a content calendar. There were just too many times in the past when we were rushing to post content just for the sake of having content up to keep to our content posting schedule and, in the end, we wouldn't even be happy with what we had posted, so enter the reason why we needed the content calendar so much.
"A content calendar can give you a good overview of what you posted and where. With information available at a glance, it makes it much easier to get an accurate idea of the bigger picture which allows you to track and analyze your marketing efforts more accurately." Top Free Content Calendar Templates to Use in 2024 and Beyond (
While we are learning more about marketing as we go along, keeping track of our blogs, and what we post on social media, is helping us create content that we think would appeal to our audience. Seeing what we have planned on the calendar also allows us to plan, giving us time to prepare content rather than rushing at the last moment, and overall leaving us happier and content with the content we are posting.
Customizing Content for a Successful Blog and Building an Online Presence
One of the greatest advantages of using a content calendar is being able to customize your content before you post it, by knowing what you want to post and when ahead of time, you can give yourself time to critique your content and modify it, so it can reflect who you are as a brand while also meeting the needs of your audience.
"A content calendar can help you maintain your audience’s interest because it’ll allow you to plan and publish timely content that’s relevant and interesting to them. Additionally, a content calendar will help you ensure that you’re consistent with your content publishing cadence, which is crucial for sustaining your audience’s interest." 10 Free Content Calendar Templates in Excel, Sheets, & ClickUp
Posting Consistently, for a Successful Blog and Building an Online Presence
If you have done any research into building an online presence, then you have probably seen the advice too many more times than you care to count and that is to post consistently.
"As a creator, it is also important to understand that those who have engaged with your content in the past, or are already following you, are likely to be shown any future content you post in the feed to see if they continue to engage with your page. As a result, maintaining a consistent posting schedule will allow you to keep collecting more followers and engagement, which will lead to a broader reach for your next round of posts." The importance of consistent posting for social media creators (
Posting consistently will increase the chances of people, brands and businesses seeing and engaging with your content. While social media works by the use of algorithms, the more consistent you are in posting on your account the more the algorithm can perceive your content and share with those of similar interests.
Making It Uniquely You, for a Successful Blog and Building an Online Presence
This tip flows in with the customization tip as shared before, but making your content uniquely you will help your audience recognize your content and who you are as a person. Adding that unique touch to your content, whether that be a certain greeting that you use or a certain expression, it will make your content stand out as you and you can build a strong brand recognition.
"When a brand has recognition, it means consumers can connect the brand to a product or service. Building brand recognition serves as a foundational step in establishing your presence in a market and supports other elements of brand equity, such as brand awareness." Brand Recognition Guide: How To Build Brand Recognition (2023) - Shopify
Going Forward
If you have used to any of these tips in your content, we would love to hear how you went, please drop us a link with your feedback, but these are some of the tips we are going to build our blog and online presence.
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Our current content posting schedule on the site is:
New Blogs on 'Friday'
New Articles on 'Monday'