Our Ultimate Guide to Learning about Dementia, What You Need to Know

Aioli everyone, we hope you have all been well, as you can guess from the title of the blog, we want to share the free University of Tasmania, Wicking Centre Dementia Moocs with you all,
Having a prior history of volunteering with people who have dementia, we were recommended these courses by friends in the industry, and we try to take them every year as a knowledge refresher. These courses are run every year online, and when fresh information comes to hand, the courses are updated accordingly.
The courses they have on offer are Understanding Dementia, Traumatic Brain Injury and Preventing Dementia, to find out more when these courses are running, please visit The Wicking Dementia Centre (utas.edu.au) for more information.
#1: Understanding Dementia
#2: Traumatic Brain Injury
#3: Preventing Dementia
#1: Understanding Dementia
This is the best place to start if you are new to Dementia or you want to refresh your knowledge of what Dementia is and how it affects the body. As a student on this Mooc, the Wicking Dementia Centre will take you through step-by-step, with easy-to-watch videos, infographics and games to give you a comprehensive understanding of Dementia in a fun and interactive way.
The Mooc works by completing a series of modules that encapsulate a certain number of concepts culminating at the end with quizzes that measure how much you have comprehended, and don't worry if you don't get it all the first time, you can take the quizzes as many times as you like till you get that perfect pass mark.
At the end of the Mooc, if you have completed all the content successfully, you will be awarded a free downloadable completion certificate. You also have the choice of paying a bit extra and getting an official certificate mailed out to you. You are also given the option here to donate to the Wicking Dementia Centre and the Dementia Mooc.
#2: Traumatic Brain Injury
Or TBI for short, this study Mooc looks at brain injuries, how they occur, how they can be treated and how to care for those with a traumatic brain injury. Similar to the Understanding Dementia Mooc, this Mooc works by the use of modules and quizzes.
The main TBI modules look at the brain, and how damage can affect its functioning and they also share the stories of people who have TBI's and how they go about managing tasks in their daily lives.
Included in this study Mooc is also the additional resource of a short concussion course, that can easily be done online. This course looks at the relationship between brain health and concussion and the effects on the brain and body after sustaining a concussion.
On completion of the course, you will be awarded a downloadable certificate or for an extra price you can purchase an official certificate to be mailed out to you.
#3: Preventing Dementia
As the name suggests, this Mooc looks at all the ways of preventing Dementia. The Mooc looks into all the studies and research out in the public domain for the most popular ways of preventing Dementia to see if there is any real evidence if they work or if they are just hype.
In this study Mooc, Wicking Centre staff teach students the best way to tell if the information/research they find is credible and from a reputable source. and just like the other study Mooc on completion of the course you will be awarded a downloadable certificate, or for a bit extra you can purchase an official certificate.
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely, and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out
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