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Welcoming in the New Year, Hello to 2024!

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz

Updated: Feb 20, 2024

We look at making New Year's resolutions and life so far after 2023.

Aioli everyone, Happy New Year, and welcome to the year 2024, we hope the year has been off to a great start for you all, for us it has not been so great, 3 days in and we have finally joined the ranks of the rest of my family in celebrating with covid, but we suppose it could always be worse right? but thinking back to 2023, that year didn't get off to a sensational start for us either, but we won't hold that against them, it is only up and onward from here, right?

To start this year, like last year and other years on this site, we are going to brainstorm some New Year's resolutions and update you all on life along the way, but we do hope this year will be great for one and all, so let's begin.

For once in our blogging lives, this entry isn't going to come with so much of a preface, on our premise, our New Year's resolutions are just generalities that we would like to work on in our lives, small little tasks that we can implement so that we can better our lives, we hope you are understanding? let's get into the blog and what we can change for 2024,

1st Resolution - Apple Activity Goals

We know we put this in our goals for last year, if you don't know what our goals were for last year, then please check out our first blog for the year last year before continuing Personal Blog - Wilz brings the blog into 2023 (, but this really helped bring up our activity levels, so this year we want to try and build on this and close as many rings as we can so meet can meet more perfect week/month goals, what do you think?

We can't say we are the most active of people in terms of fitness and agility so including this in our New Year's resolution really helps to motivate us as it gives us goals to achieve, and the Apple watch is great in that it builds you up and up to the next levels to achieve, thank you Apple and Apple Watch

2nd Resolution - Good Reads Book Goal

We know we put this in our goals for last year too, and while we didn't do so well with this resolution, we thought we would put back in but raise the stakes, if you are not familiar with the app good reads, it's an app that you can download that will recommend you good reads and you can track that amount of books and their genres, last year we set our goal at 10 but we only managed 7 but this year we are going to try and top that with a goal of 15 books.

We like to think reading lots of different types of books and genres will help with our writing skills, so we are going to try and push ourselves, the more we get into reading our list for books that we want to read grows so much, and we are always thankful to family and friends for their awesome book recommendations, we are getting to them slowly and surely.

3rd Resolution - Adventurous Content Creation

While we realize a lot of the goals, we are making are the same as last years, but we are building them with more complex elements, so we are building on our skills that we have already, last year we want to be more consistent with our content creation posting, you can check out our attempts on our Instagram account @_walkwithwilz_, but this year we want to build more on the creativity and build on the site's social media platforms,

While we have mainly been focusing on our Instagram account for posting, we feel like our Facebook account is lacking in content, after our Instagram a lot of people find our site through our Facebook page, so we would really like to create more content and to post on there too,

But just as we are typing this, we thought we should also invite some other creators to share posts here on the blog about topics they are passionate about, along with the article page, if you haven't checked out that page on this site, we highly suggest you do, there are some awesome reads on there, we think this would be a nice way to get the site out there with a bigger audience and give credit to the creators in their chosen fields,

As we mentioned the articles page, we always open to more collaboration articles, this year we would like to reach out to more people and businesses and build up the article's portfolio, while we do them for free, they are a lot of fun to create and getting to know the collaborators is so awesome, if you ever after some great reads please check out that page,

4th Resolution - Calendar Consistency

Over the last couple of years, that we have noted, and this doesn't matter if we use either paper or computer-based calendars, we are terrible at keeping up with our calendars in both forms, so going into 2024 this is something that we want to work on,

It is not that we don't post our events/schedules on there, we really need to get into the habit of check it each morning, so that we are able to prepare for what is coming up, along with planning out our tasks better,

We also really need to look into scheduling and preparing social media posts, and giving ourselves time to create more aesthetically pleasing content for the site, we already have a bad habit in the mornings scrolling aimlessly on social media, so we can defiantly change this in checking our calendars instead,

Life as its traveling in 2024

As we have shared in the introduction, 3 days into 2024 we got covid, admittedly not a great way to start the year, but here we are and cannot really change that, but we can still hope it will be a good year despite the damp start,

Apart from covid, the heatwave conditions have returned which we had prior to the cyclone, hopefully that doesn't mean we have another one on the way, but now that we have our New Year's resolutions set out, we can focus on achieving them,

But other than our new year's resolutions, for the first time in a long time, and it does feel weird seeing all the back-to-school stuff out, but we won't be going back into any form of studies, we have to actually remind ourselves we have graduated, that yes, we did it, we just have to prepare for our graduation in April in Adelaide,

But for now, we are going to work on our new year's resolutions and apply for positions closer to our field of study, we really want to work on getting experience and stronger employment with the opportunity for growth.

Add a Closing Message

Now that our new year's resolutions are in place, we can now start making plans and working towards achieving them, while some people don't believe in making resolutions, we like to think they give our new year's direction and goals to strive for, do you feel the same?

In response to this blog entry, we invite you all to leave a comment with your new year's resolutions and how you hope to achieve them, and if you like this blog and our site, please like and sign up,

That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer

Our current posting schedule is:

 'article' posts Monday

 'blog' posts Friday


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