How this site is going to change, now that we are no longer students, what can you expect?
Aioli everyone, apologies that there was no blog last week, but that is because we were away in Adelaide at our graduation ceremony, the first time we had seen campus since we started studying, but we have officially graduated with a Bachelor of Communications from the University of South Australia (UniSA), congratulations to us, but now that we are no longer students, we wanted to chat with you all about how the content on this site will change, we just hope you will stick by us on this site, as we continue to learn and grow and progress into the future.

If you are not familiar with the history of this site and how it came to be, let us share some backstory with you all, while we have had other blog sites in the past, this site came about through a recommendation from the teachers in our course, they advised us to keep a blog site to document our adventures with our studies, they said that we could make it into an online portfolio of our work, and while we didn't strictly document our work, which we regret not doing, it has helped in showcasing our work and style to potential employers.
We only created this site in the later part of our studies, but we are so thankful we did and so thankful for our teachers' recommending we do this, the site has been an online time capsule for us, we can always go back to select entries and relive precious memories. If you are a student, or even if you are a writer, keeping a blog like this to document all your adventures is a must, let's bring back the blogs and share with everyone out there our adventures and how we have gotten to where we are today.
Post Graduation
Now that we are post-graduation, this site will be entering into a new phase in terms of content and style, while we don't intend to stop blogging just because our studies have finished, if anything, it has motivated us to keep going, we want to keep it going strong for you all and to share our journey after the fact, but in terms of content, we feel it will become more lifestyle based compared to the content when we were studying.
Going forward we intend, as always to document our experiences as they happen, whether that may be travelling, job hunting, or embarking on some fresh studies, we don't know what the future has in store for us yet, but watch this space, we will always endeavour to keep you all updated.
Going Forward
Going forward into the future, even though this was a relatively short blog, we hope you will continue to stay with us and walk alongside us for the adventures that are post-graduation, while we don't have any finite plans for what is to come, we will always try our best to keep you all updated and we hope we can always be a source of inspiration for you all,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out.
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
Our current posting schedule is:
 'article' posts Monday
 'blog' posts Friday
