Sharing our fondest memories of 2023 as we close out the year.
Aioli everyone, we hope you are all doing well and had an amazing Christmas, Christmas Day was a quiet affair for us, just immediate family, but we did have our annual Santa Street parade on Christmas Eve, for pictures and videos, pop over to our Instagram @_walkwithwilz_ to see more, but onto the topic of this blog, we are going to share and recap with you all our fondest memories of 2023,

For once in our recent blogs, we don't feel like we need to add a preface to this blog, as per our usual preface though, we are writing this from our own perspective and reflections, all opinions expressed are our own unless stated otherwise, this is how our year went in 2023, we are interested in reading how yours went too, please share with us in the comments or in your own blog how your year went, we would be happy to read what were your some of your greatest achievements,
2023 as a year
was great to finish off that sentence, if you have been following our blogs this year, and this is probably one of the greatest advantages you have with blogging is that you can review your year just by reviewing your blogs,
2023 as a year didn't start off that great for us, we were actually facing some difficulties with our studies, but thanks to a successful appeal we were allowed to continue and probably our greatest achievement for 2023 we were able to finish our University degree, yes we have graduated with a Bachelor of Communications from the University of South Australia, we are a 2023 graduate, but the official ceremony won't take place till next year in April in Adelaide, so look forward to that,
Just some history of this blog, we started this blog part way through our degree to document our travels as an off-campus student and here we are at the other end, we have done it, since 2018 to now, it has been a long journey but so rewarding, we have done this degree entirely online and it just goes to show if you put the hard work in, you too can achieve great things,
Another highlight for us is our 2023 New Year's resolutions, we did a full blog entry on them a few blogs back, but we did fully pass our Apple watch activity goals, so we are waiting to see how the watch celebrates that, if you missed that blog, you can check it out here 2023 New Years Resolutions, how did you do? (
As a part of our new year's resolutions, we wanted to build up creative content on our social media in particular our Instagram account, and after some false starts, deleting and creating new accounts, we think we now have our forever account @_walkwithwilz_ , if you have Instagram, please check it out and drop us a comment, we would love to hear from you,
Bringing 2023 to a close
2023 was a great year but we are excited to see what 2024 has in store for us, going into next year, know for sure, that even though we have finished our university degree, we want to bring you all along for our next steps in the journey and we defiantly for sure want to keep creating some great fun content, but we hope going into 2024, you will walk along with us and continue to support this site and our blog, please like and subscribe we would really appreciate it,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's walking on this journey called life, peace out
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
Our current posting schedule is:
 'article' posts Monday
 'blog' posts Friday