"It is absolute magic when you hear a story that truly captures your heart and you simply want to share it with the world, having that raw passion just makes the words flow on the page"

Aioli everyone,
How are you all?
Finding such emotion is such a great motivation when it comes to sharing a story, it gives the words on the page so much more meaning and heart for the reader and I hope in my writing I can share that feeling with my readers,
"Making the reader feel your passion with your words and making the story resonate and be newsworthy to them is the ultimate goal, but how can you make your words strike such conviction and interest, let's explore and check out some articles"
This article is a good guide to writing persuasively, Write With Conviction: 8 Secrets to Persuasive Writing - SiteProNews, it provide 8 effective helpful tips on how to create and structure your argument in a way to create a persuasive captivating article, author Hisham Wyne breaks down each step in to easy to follow considerations, so when your planning out and writing your article each step can be reflected well in your writing, know your argument and your audience and then you can work out the best way to persuade them,
"Persuade the reader with your passion for the argument, in reading the article make the argument/message to important to reader, what does reading the story do for them and what can they do in response"
Australian writer Karen Tyrell explores writing with passion on her website in this article, How to Write with Passion - Karen Tyrrell, she looks at tapping into your feelings and emotions and how to structure them in a way that it lets the argument shine, but in writing with feeling she challenges writers to be authentic, report and share as the facts as they are, don't manipulate them to support your views/bias,
"Creating bias and manipulating the facts is a never good look for a writer, keep the facts truthful and emotions in check"
This article has 5 good tips for writing without bias, How to write without bias. 5 ways to make your arguments more… | by Rob Howard | Mission.org | Medium, an example it shares that particularly resonates with me is to write like your telling your relative the story/argument, you would never want to lie to them about the facts, so in turn you shouldn't lie to you readers, present them a story with all the correct facts and figures, as the cliché says there is value in truth,
Truth be told these are the goals I would like to reflect in my own writing, and as a freelance writer practicing writing like this has helped heaps, in the last month I admit I have slacked off on my writing but with new inspiration, love and stories I am getting back into it,
Writing again does have me excited for next year and what opportunities could come, I would love to branch out and explore more skills sets, creating content for different platforms and freelancing with other types of publications, but one step at a time we will get there,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out