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2023 New Years Resolutions, how did you do?

Updated: Feb 20

Wilz recaps her journey with 2023 New Years Resolutions

Aioli everyone, we hope you have all been well, as we wind down for the year 2023, Wilz will recap how we went with our 2023 New Year Resolutions, if you want a refresher of what our 2023 New Years Resolutions were please check out Personal Blog - Wilz brings the blog in to 2023 (, and when we searched up that link to put in we also got our 2022 Resolutions too, testament to how long we have had this site around for now,

But before we begin, we must have a preface, if you have read the first entry we did on our New Years Resolutions, you would know we brainstormed our resolutions on the spot, we by no means put any great amount of thought into them, we were just intrigued to see how far we could get with them, they were just general ideas that in the year that we wanted to see if we could work on and see how far we could progress, with that being said, let's review and recap

1st Resolution - Apple Activity App Goals

Sure we still have the last goal to achieve to finish up the year, but so we are happy to report we have achieved each month so far, that is 11 months of fun Apple Activity Goals that we have stuck to and accomplished, we are so proud of ourselves for doing this, and mainly just because we wanted to see what happens at the end of the year if you achieve all goals, lame on our part we know, but it did achieve the goal of getting us a bit more active, yes it did, so defiantly a win for Apple and the Apple watch, many thanks to them both,

2nd Resolution - Reading Books

This resolution we did in tandem with the app Goodreads as a guide, if you don't have this app and want to get into reading, we highly suggest you sign up and try it, but every year you can opt for an option to set a goal of how many books you want to read in a year and while we haven't met our goal this year, we think we have gotten pretty close to it, which we think is not bad, we were only like 1 or 2 off, not like other years were we not close at all, so while this resolution was not a pass, we are getting closer to accomplishing it

3rd Resolution - Social Media Content

Personally we think we failed this resolution but ultimately we will let you all be judge of that, but we like to think we have failed because our main outlet for this resolution was Instagram and if you have been following this blog over the past couple of months, you would have seen that we have changed and started fresh accounts a few times now, first time was because we got hacked and then the second we made the mistake of opening a Threads account which we later decided to get rid off which included deleting our then Instagram account, but we think this last account which goes by the handle @_walkwithwilz_ will be our forever account, lets hope

How did you all stack up with your resololutions?

For the most part, we think we did okay with most of our resolutions, we defiantly passed our first resolution with flying colours, the second one we got closer to the goal and the third is defiantly a work in progress, but not bad overall, how did you all go with your resolutions for 2023? Let us know in the comments or a link to your own blog entries,

That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer

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 'article' posts Monday

 'blog' posts Friday

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