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Wilz Top 10 YouTube channels

Writer's picture: walkwithwilzwalkwithwilz

Updated: Feb 20, 2024

Aioli everyone, as we are heading into the season of vlogmas (festive videos for every day for each day of December) we are going to share with you all our Top 10 YouTube channels that we are subscribed to and like to follow, note that we haven't ranked them in any pacific order, but if you enjoy this blog, we encourage you to share your top 10 with everyone too, we would love to see who you are watching and enjoying,

Before we begin, we want to preface this blog post by saying, that we are sharing all of these channels out of the kindness of our hearts, not because they told us to, we are sharing these channels because we genuinely enjoy their content and the messages that they share, we are sharing all of these channels because we would love for you to give them a watch and check them out too,

Let's get this list started,

Channel #1 - Merle & Mumther - (1911) Merle & Mumther - YouTube

While they haven't updated this channel in quite a while, the videos on this channel have been some of our favorites, for as long as we can remember YouTube being around, we don't remember exactly when we first started watching this channel, but it was a sure-fire favorite of the Feathered Assistant and she always loved hearing Merle and his brother sing and dance for the camera, then enter their Twitch gaming channel and discord, we were set, hook line and sinker.

Facebook: Facebook

Channel #2 - Lauren Norris - (1911) Lauren Norris - YouTube

We have been watching this YouTube channel for a couple of years and safe to say it definitely has us all tickled pink, Lauren is an amazing vlogger and shares all the good, the bad and the ugly of her life and her travels, thanks to YouTube she has had some amazing opportunities come her way, from starting out as a university student in Alabama to now living in the bright lights of New York with her partner Will and their city kitty Elle, Lauren has kicked some really big goals in achieving her dreams.

"Be the girl who just went for it." – Lauren Norris

Facebook: Facebook

Channel #3 - Madi Westbrooke - (1911) Madi Westbrooke - YouTube

Madi is a good friend to Lauren Norris, attending the same university and being in the same sorority but her channel is uniquely her own, a Christian at heart, Madi's channel is a mix of her adventures in and around the Dallas, Fort Worth area plus health and beauty. Madi also has her own apparel line, and loves indulging in fashion.

Channel #4 - Keegan Acton - (1911) Keegan Acton - YouTube

Keegan is also a friend of Lauren, but lives in Scottsdale Arizona. She has recently gotten her first full-time job in marketing and enjoys nothing more than sharing her thoughts, no matter how crazy or bizarre. A self-confessed rambler, Keegan is easy going, and reads like an open book, she holds nothing back when the camera is on, and is always so helpful and thoughtful.

Channel #5 - Lexi Fuller - (1911) Lexi Fuller - YouTube

One-half of the Fuller sisters, Lexi Fuller is the eldest Fuller sister and is a Pediatric Dentist in residency. Lexi's vlogs are a combination of her aim to lead a healthy lifestyle along with renovating her first house with her partner Sean and their pets Lola and Rita. In her videos, Lexi showcases her fave beauty products, her favorite reads and how she tries maintains a healthy lifestyle and outlook.

Channel #6 - Gabi Fuller - (1911) Gabi Fuller - YouTube

Following on from Lexi, Gabi is the younger half of the Fuller sisters and is a cheerleading coach for her local gym. Being in the world-renowned cheerleading squad TOP GUN00, Gabi was a top cheerleader and is now coaching and as well as working as an influencer online. Gabi and her partner Justin have a passion for fashion and are hardly ever seen out of trend with most of the time matching outfits and styles.

Channel #6 - Frenchy by Chelsea Elizabeth - (1911) Frenchy By Chelsea Elizabeth - YouTube

Frenchy by Chelsea Elizabeth has not been updated in a while, but this is because Chelsea now runs her own PR business in the Melbourne CBD. But when she gets the chance, she is an amazing vlogger, showcasing her favorite places in Melbourne along with her travels for her business. If you ever get the chance to chat with Chelsea she is an amazing soul and her family are so great to converse with too.

Channel #7 - 일단은혁이 1LDAN EUNHYUKEE 일단은혁이 1LDAN EUNHYUKEE - (1911) 일단은혁이 1LDAN EUNHYUKEE - YouTube

If you can't guess from the heading above, Channel 7 belongs to no other than Super Junior's Eunhyuk, even though he is a superstar idol in the Kpop industry, Eunhyuk is great at documenting his adventures with his family and friends, and is always a good laugh and tries not to take things too seriously, mind you he takes his favourite ramen whereever he goes, shout outs to all the 1LDAN in the audience, you guys rock!

Channel #8 - 이동해 Super Junior Donghae LEE - (1911) 이동해 Super Junior Donghae LEE - YouTube

Channel 8 belongs to no other than Eunhyuk's partner in crime, Super Junior's Lee Donghae. While Donghae's video don't often have an English translation, his energy and vibe on camera is contagious, and it's definitely true when they say he is a man who never ages, when you compare past videos to current ones, it is like he hasn't aged a bit. It may not look it on camera, but Donghae is beautifully sentimental and likes to share his surroundings and his favourite music and sports.

Channel #9 - 려욱이의 아지트 - (1911) 려욱이의 아지트 - YouTube

If you can't read the hanguel, Korean characters, channel 9 belongs to Super Junior's Kim Ryeowook. Besides Eunhyuk, we would definitely agree he is one of the top or to be argued the best vlogger in Super Junior, his content is always so catchy, and he is always on the lookout to keep his fans, family and friends healthy, safe and strong. He often goes live on his YouTube channel but also on his Instagram as well.

To end out the list, we can't go on without sharing the fun that is Super Junior's Shindong

Channel #10 - 신동댕동 Shindongdengdong - (1911) 신동댕동 Shindongdengdong - YouTube

There are always laughs and fun to be had when Super Junior's Shindong is around and his channel is not that much different while creating captivating funny content, he is a great host and does well interviewing his fellow members and friends, and he doesn't shy away from asking those all-important questions either that we all want to know, guaranteed his channel will have you in fits of laughter and smiles.

And there you have it, our Top 10

What do you think of our Top 10? While we enjoy lifestyle videos, we have tried to keep a good mix in there from both Female and Male creators, but it is pretty obvious we enjoy our Super Junior content, Super Junior was a mutual Kpop group that both I and the Feathered Assistant love, our first ever track from them was their Christmas track 'Santa U Are The One' which commemorates the festive season coming up,

In honor of our list, we would love to see what made your Top 10? post a reply to this blog with your faves and we would be honored to check them out and let you know what we think,

That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out

Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer

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