Our complete guide on tips and tricks on pressing reset on life after graduation, what to do next?

Aioli everyone, we hope you have all been well, if you have been following our journey for a while now on this blog, many of you may already know we recently just graduated with our degree in September 2023, and at the moment we feel like we are in the reset era after graduation, let us clarify, the period, where you are finished with studies and in the prospects of securing employment in the industry if you would like, while we do have some regrets that we should have done whilst studying, we will share those with you all later in this blog, we are going to share with you how we are navigating life after graduation.
Before we proceed, we want to put this disclaimer out there, not everyone's adventure through this period will be the same, we can only share our experience and what has happened for us, this is by no means a how-to, just suggestions, so if you are in this position as well, these are just some things, tips and tricks we are learning along the way,
We also need to include here; that while we have officially graduated with our degree, we have not done our official graduation ceremony yet, our ceremony will be in April this year, so hang tight for that, we will for sure be sharing our experience with that, as we have done nothing or experienced anything on that scale, be on the lookout for when we drop that blog too.
#3: Building up your resume
#1: So you have graduated, what is next?
Congratulations, you have graduated with your university degree, the most common question you will get is what is next? What is your next big move? New job? Travel? Further studies? What are you planning to do next?
While these are some pretty big questions, what is most important is that you feel comfortable taking the next steps on your journey to your dream, while you might have achieved one of the biggest hurdles on your way there, it is your choice on what steps you want to take next to achieve your ultimate dream.
While there is no wrong or right way to get there, it does depend on how you would like your choices to shape you on your path, making some unconventional choices could be what it takes to make you stand out from other candidates. But whatever you choose to do, it is entirely up to you, you shape your journey from here on out.
#2: Our regrets
Our 2 biggest regrets are we didn't get work experience while we were studying, and that we didn't connect more with our teachers and fellow students. Having work experience under our belt when we would have graduated would have helped our resume stand out along with our studies. Being an off-campus student, we should have taken advantage of the chance of being able to set up our own experience to build up our skills.
Along with this, creating connections with our teachers and fellow students would have also been a nice touch, not only to have some friends from the degree but to have companions who we could talk to who are on a similar path to us.
If you are a university student, we urge you to follow up on any suggestions that your teachers may make, and if you have the opportunity, please work on getting some experience in the field along with your theoretical studies, it will not only help benefit your resume, but skills learnt could help you on the job front.
#3: Building up your resume
Our plan for after graduation is to ultimately get a job related to our studies; but to do this, we need to build up our resume and be able to market ourselves and our content in a great cover letter and online. You would think after graduating with a communications degree this would be an easy task, but getting the wording right, and learning how to sell our skills could mean the difference between getting the position or missing out.
No matter your decision for your choice after university, having a great resume and cover letter is a handy thing to have, for you never know when you might need to apply for a position, and having the skills to be able to promote yourself and your skills, how you can benefit a business and be a good fit for their position is very valuable indeed.
But in closing, no matter what you may choose to do in this time of reset, preparing a plan and weighing up your options is the best plan moving forward, we wish you all the very best in your future endeavours and congratulations on your graduation if you are at that stage too, thank you,
That is Wilz for now, take care, travel safely and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out
Personal webpage of walkwithwilz, freelance writer, blogger, content creator, writer
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