Halloumi, howdy Wakerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
In this blog piece, I want to share with you all my ideas, my manifestations behind starting this blog and where I could see it going,
If you have been following this blog for a bit now or you know me in person you would probably know I started this blog as a means to try and teach myself skills first hand when it came to my aspirations and dreams to work in PR and to share my passion for Hallyu/Kpop,
While this has always been my main goal for the blog I do feel like it has become more than that, while yes I am enjoying writing and sharing blog posts, the interactions with brands, family and friends, both new and old behind the scenes have become truly invaluable and I think easily the best part about the whole thing,
For me, starting 'conversation' is the best and a great learning experience, just taking the time to listen and to learn what sparks interest in others and what their passions and goals are worth more than its weight in gold, to hear their stories and to be able to share them is the greatest pleasure I could ever imagine, and from someone who is naturally painfully shy and at most times an introvert, having a platform like this blog to share my innermost thoughts and feeling is a great release,
But going forward with the blog, I would like to explore a lot more skills, sure I am doing okay basically promoting the blog and my blog posts, but I would like to take the next step and being more consistent so I can increase the number of views to the site, I would also like to try and to take on more creative projects and work with a lot more brands so I can build on those skills,
For example, I would really love to share my last blog post about donating to UNICEF, if you haven't checked out that blog post please click on this link https://www.walkwithwilz.com.au/post/personal-blogz-wilz-and-the-listen-project, UNICEF is a charity I have always had a passion for and I would love to share that with the world, I would love to try and get as many people to learn about the great work that they do and to donate to the cause, but I have such a long way to go and each step along the way feels like such a great learning experience, the blog has been such a great learning platform,
I do hope going into the future I can share so much more with the blog as well as document my journies, sometimes I am just in awe looking back through my blog posts, it is a great reminder of just how far I have come and the obstacles I have tackled to get where I am today and just how they have helped to shape the person I have become,
But to close out this blog, I want to ask you Walkerz, do any of you have blogs that you would like to share?
And for the PR professionals out there how did you get your start in the industry? How did you go about getting experience?
I hope if we can all chat and share we can help each other out, your answer might be that bit of information that inspires some one or the key to answering their question, let's share and chat,
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out