Halloumi, howdy Walkerz,
How are you? Thanks for stopping by and visiting,
On Friday, Halloween eve, Wilz got to attend her second Soul Sistas Event, many thanks to @FrenchyByChelseaElizabeth and @MarieAngelFitness,
During the last event, if you would like to read my reviewz from that even please check out this link https://www.walkwithwilz.com.au/post/reviewz-wilz-and-the-soul-chats, but I was lucky enough to win the lucky door prize of tickets to the next event and here we are a day after the second event, and I feel so encouraged and inspired,
Like we were reminded throughout the whole event, self-care is an essential part of health, not only should you care about your physical health, but it goes hand in hand with your mental health, to be at your optimal best we need to take care of the whole picture, not just some parts here and there, we need to to take the time to prepare ahead if we can and to make those healthy choices so, in the long run, we can build up our health and stamina, or as in the case of your blogger, you will be stopped by illness and forced to focus on your unstable health,
Taking the time out for yourself and to indulge in self-care is really a must, it is non-negotiable, for without your mental wellbeing you really are not much, how can you expect your body function if your mind is not there to send the messages to say for your arms or legs to move, mental care really is essential, I hope you will all take the time to be kind to yourself and to take care of yourself,
Overall the event was so beautiful, to start the night Marie was so gorgeous and started us all off with a beautiful guided meditation, we listened to some calming music while she guided us in some deep breathing and some calming yet strong affirmations, from here we got to partake in Chelsea from @FrenchyByChelseaElizabeth's presentation part for the evening,
For me, listening to Chelsea speak is so inspiring, she really speaks from the heart and using her own experiences as motivation, you can tell she is being 100% truthful and only wants the best for those around her, she is always so considerate like that, she loves to see those around her happy, healthy and excelling and for that, I say on behalf of everyone to Chelsea thank you, we appreciate your kind sentiments more than I think you could ever know, we only ever want to see you happy, healthy and excelling too, we love you,
After a little 5-minute interval complete with some Halloween themed music, we were back for the second part of the evening, Marie's presentation, Marie walked us through with her essentials to health and fitness, she spoked to us about making healthy food choices, making time for movement and strength training in our day and most importantly preparing meals ahead of time, if you prepare your less likely to grab for that sugary snack, preparation is really key, and it has the added bonus it takes the worry out of your day, if you prepare ahead of time you don't have to worry about the what-ifs, you can look forward and be content with your choices,
Hearing Marie's presentation really resonated with me, if you have been following my blog for a bit now, you would have observed that with my health I have been looking at trying to get more activity in my day and looking to make some better food choices, Marie has really helped me out with this, Marie by trade is a women's empowerment and fitness coach, she like Chelsea speaks right from the heart, she too endured her own journey to get to where she is now in life and she prides herself in helping those around her, to her I can only express great gratitude, thank you, Marie, you really are amazing and together with Chelsea creating and hosting these Soul Sistas events over zoom has really been the best, I can't thank you guys enough, please know all your hard work is most appreciated, thank you
That is Wilz for now, travel safely Walkerz, take care and let's keep walking on this journey called life, peace out